
Tuesday 26 May 2015

Healing 'Skills On'

When I woke up on Monday on my day of rest and recovery - Jesus said 'Skills On' and earlier in the day he had said 'Aromatherapy Massage'. I was up for a few hours and then soon after went to rest and off to sleep I went again. Surely - my body requires a lot of sleep for regeneration at this time.

I also had a 'headache' today after I woke up the second time - soon after that I ate a salad with artichoke and beetroot that my body was asking for. After that I was compelled to massage my face - neck - shoulders and head with coconut oil and then the headache stopped.

'You anoint my head with oil; my cup overflows'. Psalm 23:5 'Blessings crown the head of the righteous' Proverbs 10:6 'Always be clothed in white, and always anoint your head with oil' Ecc 9:8

'But you, LORD, are as a shield around me, my glory, the One who lifts my head high'. Psalm 3:3 and he always sends his Son when his Son is required to help. The cuckoo is calling for his mate again - this morning - bless it!  So what healing skills do you to offer humanity - how far did you go on the path of life. 'For god's gifts and his call are irrevocable'. Romans 11:29.

The skills are mentioned in the book of Exodus and I smile when I read that 31:3. It includes filling a person with the Spirit of God, wisdom with understanding and all kinds of skills! That quote makes me smile now - when I think of all the people that I met and were helped in the spiritual community in the UK.

We've been discussing the 20th century of the 'Celestine Prophecy' today - and I can understand why James Redfield - an American child psychologist would write such a book.

Interesting that in the book of numbers it mentions the 'symbol of their dedication to God on their head'. Numbers 6:7 and all of our students had symbols placed upon their heads, hands and heart.


Clearly Dr Usui knew the scriptures and what they contain and instead of saying Reiki On - Jesus says 'Skills On' and clearly he is talking about the healing skills that were gained during the spiritual journey with him on the path of life. 

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