
Monday 18 May 2015


In 2014 - I had a dream about make-up - and since that time there have been many realizations about the local community and the people in it - as well as why they do the things they do:

However - there is also some very serious news shared by the Daily Mail about the make-up being distributed in the UK: 'Senior detectives at the City of London police are so alarmed they have issued a nationwide alert:'

Do you know what else it reminds me of - the vision of the four different directions - and in the north was a rabbit - what did they test on rabbits - make-up! Now there is the Daily Mail article that mentions the north of England!

Also 35000 people in the north of England have decided that they would like to join Scotland in the devolution: It was also shared today that detectives at Scotland Yard in London have been very busy watching star war movies and star trek series: Funny that I went to school close to Scotland Yard - and there were great mind-body-soul exhibitions that happened in that area - the shows used to go on for nine days at a time:

Those were the days they were - maybe Scotland Yard thought the aliens had arrived - due to the large crowds that were pouring through the doors in their thousands: People would travel from all over the country and from abroad - to attend the massive spiritual happenings:

It was the spiritual elders that first discussed make-up with yours truly in the 90's - although I was already aware of the 'chemicals' - and also the 'testing on animals': I had already found that I had a sensitivity to make up when I first began to wear it: I used to wear Almay mascara due to the sensitivity of my eyes and lashes - and I tended to wear Boots No 7 as I knew how stringent Boots are:

Due to the clients that I worked for - when I worked in London:

My clients included:

Boots in Nottingham - cosmetics No 7 and No 19

ICI Savlon

To name just a few of the clients that I worked for whilst working for London advertising agencies:

I've never worn a foundation - I felt that it 'clogged' the pores of the skin - and I couldn't bear it - I've only ever put cream on my face to cleanse or moisturize -  a tinted cream and I did try some palm oil for tinting: What color are your eyes - mine are blue with brown specks!

Never put soap on my face - just water - although I like putting coconut oil on my face and neck and massage with aromatherapy oils: Have been sharing about Orange Blossoms and how some people in Italy are returning to the old ways - it was lovely to see: I also clean my teeth with coconut oil and it tastes wonderful:

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