
Friday 15 May 2015

Devolution and NHS

We've been discussing devolution that the Conservatives are talking about being offered to every city with a mayor - and the LORD said 'Heads will roll'

“By 2015 the Government will save the taxpayer a total of more than £2.6 billion – that’s more than £150 per working household.”Francis Maude, 22 August 2012

Devolution will clearly impact on the NHS 

As far as the NHS is concerned I agree with Nigel Farage on diagnosis and prevention: When I ran my own business I paid for a full medical check up at a BUPA hospital in addition to having my bones checked with a specialist: That was part of my prevention: I paid for chiropractic treatments - x-ray and diagnosis when I had a 'trapped nerve and afterwards: I paid for Alexander Technique for realignment of my back and its posture: 

I paid for complementary medicine therapies for my skin and other ailments that included kinesiology: Aromatherapy massage - reflexology and shiatsu: I also paid for acupuncture treatments and trained in Reiki so that I could give myself healing whenever I wished to do so: I was active in seeking the causes to the symptoms and was prepared to do whatever had to be done to help the health and being of my mind - body and soul: 

It was due to my own health that I got involved in complimentary medicine in the first place - and it was so powerful that I continued and became a teacher offering numerous therapies and natural health remedies - that include flower essence combination remedies: 

'In his 2015 book, Farage reflected that based on his experiences, "the NHS is so over-stretched that if you can afford private health care, you should take it, particularly for diagnostics and preventative medicine. In the NHS, the system is so battered and poorly run that unless you are really lucky, you will fall through the cracks. The NHS is, however, astonishingly good at critical care. But what testicular cancer taught me is that the NHS will probably let you down if you need screening, fast diagnosis and an operation at a time that suits you". He supports reform within the NHS, saying that its resources have become stretched due to increased immigration, and blaming Labour for high costs of new hospitals built through private finance initiatives.'

Interesting that he said 'Fall through the cracks' because Russell Brand that stands against Nigel Farage said something similar - 'People are living and dying in the gap' - maybe they have more in common than Russell realizes at this point in time: 

Its sad to see how some people respond to Nigel - you would think that people like Russell would have more compassion for a man like Nigel that has been through so much health wise: Plus the plane crash that was purposefully carried out and its a miracle that he is alive and was able to campaign in an election campaign:

Perhaps Russell should ponder upon that before he opens his mouth in Canada - and think before he speaks in such a way -  about a man that has worked so hard to bring truth into the light of the day! 

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