
Friday 15 May 2015

Brian May - Common Decency Campaign

I was watching a video of Nigel Farage and his response to those that have come out against him - he gave his usual rational response and there is also news that he will probably go for becoming a UKIP MP at the next Labor by-election: You can't keep a good man down!

There was also news that the Conservatives tried to silence the BBC and its 'dissent' about Conservative politics: Anyway - Scientist - Animals Rights Defender and well-known musician Brian May was also on Question Time with Nigel Farage:

I wondered what Brian as been up to - then found his video and the 'Common Decency Campaign' and that was great to see: It gives me a thrill when people are doing positive things to encourage awesome change: Its great that he feels a connection with Russell Brand and where he is coming from - as I am sure that those two will have a lot to share together:

Brian May is much more experienced in the aspects that many people are concerned about than Russell - so he is a great elder for Russell to call upon to discuss things: Everyone likes to have a sounding board - especially with people that have decades more experience:

I felt compelled to give the Citrin to Dr Brian May and his campaigns - as it is an unusual gem-stone - and I have seen this color a few times while bathing in water in aromatherapy oils:

When I was in my 40's listening to the reports from the spiritual elders was vitally important - although they described themselves as travelers on the path of life!  Elders often turn up when you are at a crossroads in your life: Of course - it was natural for my generation to honor their elders - as we had been taught to do so from children:

Brian May was born in Hampton and he still has a house there - that is a lovely part of the countryside and I was blessed to live there for a few years:

This is a great song from Queen with Brian May singing - blessing to you and your work - it always gives me a thrill to see people encouraging others to do good in such a way! I really liked the logo badge of the shield in different colors with the words 'Common Decency' on it! So to people reading this blog in the UK - support Brian May and the campaigns:


1980 Mercury sings the bridge 

It is an honor to bless Brian May and his work in May - as it is the anniversary of the first mission to Israel of yours truly in 2006: In 2011 Jesus said that we were moving into awesomeness and certainly lots of awesome things have happened since then:

Now the SNP are at the helm of the negotiations on devolution for Scotland - and Cameron's cabinet have announced that it is on offer to Wales and England and any other city that has a mayor:

However those of us that have had experience with the local councils in business - are consciously aware of what is at stake and what the consequences could be: Also in the news at the Daily Mail - it mentioned how due to privatization - there was a case whereby there was one GP serving a million people on emergency calls:

So gently - gently - one step at a time - cautious moves - and be diligent - as Jesus said 'You can do it with grace'

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