
Thursday 14 May 2015

Irish Defend Human Rights Act!

Good news that the Irish are defending the Human Rights Act as Cameron would like to 'abolish' what has been signed - sealed and delivered! The European Court of Human Rights is a very important court that I know in my heart of conscience - that Europe should keep it: As it gives European countries an alternative - if and when their countries haven't given the people justice:

In the UK there is a tidal wave of a 'crisis of trust' and it goes through every single reality that has been installed by the state for generations: There is no law that Cameron can introduce that can stop the tidal wave - the tsunami - that will change the way the people feel about how the country has been run for decades:

It is no longer about political parties -  its about ethics and what is ethical: It is about moral and right conduct - compassionate action and the seat of mercy: Its about truth and a heart of conscience:

Its about the heart of the nation that has been 'trampled' upon for decades: Its about the poor that have been forced to live in a reality that they did not ask for - its about systems that completely 'ignore' basic human rights and freedom of speech:

Its about the police force and the justice system that thinks its above the law - most of all it is about the 'intrusion' into the lives of the people and the demands that the politicians and their academic policy makers have put upon the people: For decades the people were innocent of what was going on - but now the people are awake in large enough numbers to make a difference:

This isn't just about jobs and immigration - its about the human dignity of the people of the nation that has been 'crushed' by successive governments: Its about privacy - its about the bedrock of the nation - the youth of the nation and its health! Its about hopes that were 'dashed' - education that people couldn't afford for their children - its about forcing mothers - the sick and disabled to work - and over-taxing the poor and most vulnerable people of society:

Its about a living wage that most people don't have or can afford to live on - while those in Westminister live in their plush homes: Its about food banks that became a necessity to feed the nation - its about the introduction of VAT that taxes everything and made small business people into tax collectors:

This is not just about the banks or the money that was given to the banks - it not just about the expenses - it is about every system that was installed - that are not serving the people - and only serving those that put the systems in and maintain them: Let's not even go there with the amount of jobs that were sent abroad and when people call you - they can hardly speak English: Where did those jobs go - India!

Seriously the people have had enough!

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