
Monday 18 May 2015


Well I've had the inversion table for two weeks now and when it arrived I was really thrilled with it and I still am thrilled with it! So thank you so much to the lovely person that bought it for me - truly you are amazing and heaven sent!

I call it my inversion bed because I also have a massage bed for when I used to give hands-on- Reiki treatments to friends - clients and students when teaching Reiki:

So far so good: I have had some mild headaches - although I began to get headaches for the first time before I got the inversion bed - so it isn't necessarily to do with the inversion:

I get on the inversion table most days - unless I don't feel like it - then I leave it until I do feel like it: The inversion bed became an absolute necessity due to the experience of sciatica: In the last two weeks since I began doing inversion - I haven't had a sciatica attack! That's why I say - so far so good! I enjoy the inversion experience and I am taking it very slowly - just a few minutes each time and I am only partially inverting at the moment due to the mild headaches:

What I have experienced is a massive cracking in my brain - it felt like a cracking and sounded like a big crash - like something had been smashed internally: Due to friends advice I did ring 111 and go to the walk-in clinic at the hospital just in case: The GP at the hospital was more concerned about my ear infection that began prior to getting the inversion bed: He gave a prescription for biotics as we haven't managed to source the ear drops that my own GP had prescribed:

When I questioned the GP he did not give me a reason or cause - he did not explain to me why I had experienced the cracking: So I am hoping and trusting that the cracking was a positive sign that something is shifting in the detoxification: With inversion you're actually helping more oxygen and blood to go to the brain - and the brain uses up a lot of oxygen - apparently the brain takes 20% of the oxygen from the body!

Studies have shown that Reiki is also excellent for increasing the oxygen in the blood by up to 30%: So the combination of Reiki and Inversion would be fantastic for anyone that can't do yoga: This is particularly important as people get older and their bodies begin to age:

So have any medical studies been carried out on inversion and were they positive: YES

The Teeter website shares some of the information about the medical studies: Although I didn't buy a teeter due to the cost of them:

The inversion bed enables me to have the required exercise without going out - as I cannot walk far - due to my left foot that impacts on the back - and then the back impacts on the foot - so then we have a physical cycle and it is that cycle that I am hoping the inversion will help to eliminate:

Its a physiological condition and don't let anyone tell you otherwise - as someone I knew 'died of back cancer' and she was their only daughter: Unfortunately - she didn't ask me to treat her - as I would've done so willingly - and just maybe we would've had a miracle for her:

If you have a back condition - you must do your utmost to heal it in every way that you can!

This is the inversion bed that I received - the Exercise Pro - and its really sturdy - its ideal to try out inversion therapy for the first time: If you get on with it and you like it - and it helps you - then you could consider upgrading to a more expensive model later on:

When we were discussing the cracking in the brain - others said that they had also experienced it - and they don't do inversion: There have been many people on-line asking about this cracking in the head: When it happens its one of those really 'scary' moments - when you think what was that!

Also when we were discussing the cracking in the head on-line with others the LORD spoke and he said 'Physiological neurone disorders' and the day before the cracking happened - he said 'heads will roll':

So it was interesting that Dr Ben Kim also provides exercises for the neck on his website - and when I tried the exercises my neck wasn't as flexible as I thought it was: So I am now doing head rolling as an extra exercise every day:

So what else is inversion helping after two weeks - my hand grip and muscles in my arms and hands - my hands and arms are being strengthened: Also you can really feel it on your tummy muscles and pelvic floor - so you know that it is working - even though I am only doing partial inversion due to my weak ankles: Alas - Aquarians have weak ankles - unfortunately it was a weakness that I was born  with:

My back has been 'hurting' a lot more on Sunday - but I put that down to the fact that I had to go further than I can - to see the GP at the walk-in clinic on Saturday:  So my back paid the price for going to see the GP to check out what was going on in my brain: 111 said that they would send a doctor out to me within two hours - but the NHS didn't do so:

So at this point it feels like two weeks exercise to help my back was blown - by going to get checked out by the GP: My back isn't ready for such journeys - it requires a lot of healing and tender loving care - due to the physical 'trauma' that it has experienced: I said to my son - I do wish that you had trained in massage - as then you could give your mum the massages that I require:

On the way back from the hospital I saw the elderly man with the staff on the bus - it looked like it was made by hand in wood - and it has a rounded A on the top of it - and the rest of it is spiraled:

On Saturday evening after I had rested - I cooked some home made Butternut Squash soup - it was deliciously orange - and I had it again on Sunday: Simple and quick and much more tasty - and lower cost than a bought soup! The Butternut Squash was from South Africa and it is the variety of Venus - big smiles!

I have been experiencing some fatigue - again - I was experiencing that prior to doing inversion: Some days my energy is higher than others - and I found that after eating pasta - I couldn't keep my eyes open and just had to go to bed to sleep: So I am keeping a very close eye on the impact that food has on my body and energy - as I know that I have a wheat allergy:

I can eat bread but only a little: Interesting that I didn't have an allergic response when my son and I made bread - maybe its all that love that we pour into what we made to eat!

So my healing journey with the physical is a new journey of discovery in this phase - and I like to pioneer new ways to heal different symptoms - ailments - and causes of the symptoms:

Orange blossom oil is good for headaches and migraines - carrot and corriander soup with orange juice is also good for it: Then there is my rescue soup - pearl barley cooked in orange juice - although that is really for emergencies: This mandala as the oranges and butternut squash in it - and the paint was spread for my Spanish friend who was born with Asperger's - he's such a character!

The only supplement that I am taking at the moment is cod liver oil daily - although I might take some St John's Wort as well today - because it is excellent for the nervous system: St John's Wort is a brilliant balancer of energies:  I also have some Silica Complex to take - the tablets are huge and I have to break them into two: I don't like taking those:

Last but not least - LEMON juice - essential to have real lemon juice - because it helps your brain to increase the energy of oxygen! I like lemon on salads - and yesterday I put pure lemon juice on top of my butternut squash soup - wonderful!

Those that read this blog might remember that I also put lemon juice in garlic butter to put on malted biscuits - and I like my pancakes with lemon juice and golden syrup! So there are lots of different ways that you can bring lemon juice into your menu: What about breakfast - yoghurt with seeds - pineapple - melon -  coconut flakes - sultanas and lemon juice: Delicious when you know how - and you can afford it!

And keep those Butternut Squash seeds and melon seeds - you can bake them and eat them - full of nutrients:

When I was a baby I used to suck lemons - and my parents thought that was very strange for a baby to do:  However - now the reason is clear - because the baby had a 'traumatic birth' and it knew how important the lemon was for its healing: When I was pregnant with my son - I couldn't stop eating oranges - and that is also clear due to the calcium that he was taking from my body!

My teeth were 'crumbling' in my mouth - and what do they give women during the birth 'gas and air' so clearly oxygen is the most important thing for you -  if your body is experiencing any kind of 'pain': That is another reason why inversion is so powerful for your body and its healing process:

So what should the NHS have done when the baby was late and laying on my nerve for two weeks: They should've either brought me on -  like they had to do two weeks later - or put me on an inversion bed to see if we could get the baby to move away from 'damaging' the nerve:

A baby puts on a pound a week for every week its late - goodness gracious me - this little lady had an 8lbs 13oz's bouncing baby boy - and I had 36 stitches because they had to cut me open to get him out in an emergency - because my contractions went at that vital moment! It was a life or death situation for my son:

The nurses couldn't believe what the monitor was telling them - as far as I am aware - it is rare for the contractions to just stop like that: So I had midwives shouting at me - 'you're not pushing' - doctor 'cutting me open' - and a 'forceps' delivery! At the same time the midwives were telling off the doctor for letting me see the forceps! At that point - I didn't care what they did to me - I just wished for the baby to come out safe and sound!

So get the Reiki on and get onto Inversion Therapy with yours truly - and we can monitor the progress with our healing foods - recipes - essences and oils: Pregnancy does impact on the back due to the weight that you are carrying inside you - so be sure that you are as healthy as possible prior to getting pregnant - giving birth is a massive operational procedure:

I had two years of laser treatment prior to getting pregnant with a surgeon at the Middlesex Hospital in London - it was pioneering work in those days - and there was only six laser machines of its type in the country at the time: The laser treatment was due to the fact that the family planning clinic had put a Copper 7 in my cervix: Copper 7's that are still manufactured and distributed by Searle to third world countries - the last time that I looked!

An operation on the cervix six months after giving birth - rushed into hospital at 48 hours notice:

The NHS should have sent me back to my laser surgeon in London - so its down to the female GP that I wasn't able to have anymore children:

So my body has been through a lot of 'physical trauma' during my life on this planet - and it all as to be healed on a physical level: Inversion therapy is just one of the techniques that I am now utilizing to get this body moving: Exercising all of the areas of my body that require it:

A friend said 'You should go swimming' I said yes - well I would if I could get there: If I could get there and could afford it - I would go on holiday and swim in the sea:

So do let me know if your doctor can tell you the cause of the cracking in your brain!

I mentioned that the baby liked to suck lemons - the baby also got up at dawn with the sun - and went straight to the fridge to get tomatoes and soft cheese for breakfast: So another good idea for breakfast as I had a dream of serving a tomato drink and that is great with a celery stick: Celery is excellent for the endocrine system and especially for the adrenals: Tomato is also essential for the prostate - and both men and woman have one!

The 18th May - is the 'Day of Activity' so let's get to it!

The best time to have inversion therapy is in the afternoon - due to the natural rhythm's of your body!

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