
Tuesday 19 May 2015

Jonah Manifests - Elijah Life Giver

In the recent 'Green Apples Dream' I was in a food shop with a shopping trolley and it indicated that the 'green apples' represented a warning and I duly passed that warning on to my son: That if he went ahead with the second opportunity to go back to an old reality instead of go forward with the new reality then his life would be in 'danger':

At the time he was very surprised by the dream and the insights and warning that was conveyed to him - and the proverbs indicate 'The prudent see 'danger' and take refuge - but the simple keep going and pay the penalty' Proverbs 22:3 'The path of life leads upward for the prudent to keep them from going down to the realm of the dead': Proverbs 15:24

Wisdom spoke with him about it to pre-warn him - so that he would be alert and be aware of the consequences: He has walked miles upon miles to and from work - and he told me that he viewed it as 'penance' - I thought that was a strange word for him to speak - as the word 'penance' isn't the original meaning - and he hasn't read any of the bible:

Yesterday he went to see if he could access his money - as he hasn't been able to access any of it - so he returned again - to try again: That is one of the reasons that he has been walking so much: He went during the daytime and I did not see him again until late evening time:

He said that he had passed out in the street outside of a food shop (that has trolleys) - and when he woke up he was in hospital: He was found unconscious and he could have died:

The biblical prophecies mention the 'fainting' Isaiah 51:20 - Isaiah 57:16 - Amos 8:13 - 8:13 is an interesting numeric as he weighed 8:13 when he was born - and this year is an 8 year: An 8 year is a year of spiritual transformation:

He was lucky to be born alive - as my contractions went at the point of delivery: There was an emergency operation to get him out of the womb! 8:13  - that's a big baby for this small boned woman - even though I was given child bearing hips: 

Psalm 71:6 From birth I have relied on you; you brought me forth from my mother’s womb. I will ever praise you. Proverbs 31:2 Listen, my son! Listen, son of my womb! Listen, my son, the answer to my prayers!

When the sun rose, God provided a scorching east wind, and the sun blazed on Jonah’s head so that he grew faint. Jonah 4:8 Jonah the boy was brought back to life by Elijah the prophet:

Jonah is about Teshuvah and Elijah the life giver 

The hospital wished to keep the son of truth in hospital for observation - but he said that he doesn't like hospitals and they let him go: The hospital said that they would text him the result of the blood test that was taken: 

He also said that this is the second time in his life that this has happened - it also happened when he was 14 years old when he was in the sun all day: However - I also view it as an important sign for everyone: Its not only confirmation of the dream interpretation - it is also in relation to the biblical prophecies of the mother and her son: 

My son had two choices - a new reality or an old reality: He chose the old reality where he had worked before - even after the warning was given to prepare him - he carried on:  He is consciously accepting of the fact - I do not have to remind him - as he has to mature as a man does: He knows of the spiritual law and he made his choice - due to the choices that he has made in life in free will - he has suffered: 

If that is what he chooses on a soul level - then so be it! He must be a man and take responsibility onto his shoulders: He has been in the belly of the whale for a long time - and even when he was born he was late and had to be brought out of the womb in an emergency:  Typical of Jonah he is - and I hope that he will make the changes that are essential for his life and living it: Yet - I cannot make him eat what is good for him: He has a very strong will:

Mark 2:22 And no one pours new wine into old wineskins. Otherwise, the wine will burst the skins, and both the wine and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins.”

So what is that telling us - he should've taken the new part-time job in the new reality of a different venue that sells alcohol: That's why he ended up in hospital - he should've taken the job near the hospital - and its less far to walk - and in a nice location with nice people: 

So what does that tell us - he still has something to integrate about going backwards - so is it some unfinished business from his perspective: Starting all over again as a trainee when he should be going in as an assistant manager at his age and with his experience: I can see a repeating pattern that goes back to when he left college in his teenage years: 

The following day the son of truth goes out and as soon as he did the hail - thunder and lighting came: The hail was bouncing on the grass and rain came down upon him to show him that the LORD is not happy with him: He does it the hard way instead of the easy way - and that is why his mother has tried to help him - to make his life easier instead of harder: However - there comes a point when the mother has to let go and let God do what God is going to do to turn his heart: 

Will becoming unconscious make him realize how life was given to him again - how sacred his life is - will he appreciate the seriousness of what has happened:  Will the hail - thunder and lighting make him aware that God is watching his every move: 

Verse of the Day 

'The wisdom that comes from heaven is first of all pure; then peace-loving - considerate - submissive -full of mercy and good fruit - impartial and sincere: Peacemakers who sow in peace reap a harvest of righteousness' James 3:17-18 NIV

What else do we have on apples: 'Like apples of gold in settings of silver is a ruling rightly given' Proverbs 25:11


On the 19th May there was a fire at a major food distribution centre at Thameside in London:


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