
Saturday 23 May 2015

Cuckoo Arrived Home

The cuckoo arrived home yesterday from Africa when I was writing about the 4.3 earthquake that happened in the south east of Ramsgate etc

The cuckoo and his mating call - he just kept on singing his song - bless him!

The keynote of cuckoo is heralding new fate and its cycle of power is spring: Cuckoo brings balance and stability.  Author - Ted Andrews shares with us that in the legends of the cuckoo if you make a wish while it is calling then that wish will be fulfilled. I have a new keyboard but I've got so used to being without a full stop that I still keep on typing a colon: So it will take me some time to get used to having a full stop again: See I did it again!

There has also been various messages from the LORD in recent days - and I will make different posts on his messages that he gave now that I can post on the blog again. A lot of his messages are giving directions on health at the moment - so it is an interesting new adventure: 

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