
Thursday 21 May 2015

'Mother and Baby' - 'Trauma'

When writing about the 'Cracking in the brain' experience the LORD spoke of 'Physiological Neurone Disorders': We also know that 'physical trauma' impacts on the brain as well as the tissues of the body where the body received the impact - it impacts on the nervous system and the soul that is fragile:

We know scientifically that 'physical trauma' impacts on the blood flow and neural circuits and branches:

"Noradrenergic neurons release transmitter throughout the brain; this is associated with an increase in alerting and vigilance behaviors critical for coping' with 'acute' conditions: 

"Preclinical and clinical studies have shown alterations in memory function" That is also increased during menopause:

So for instance a child born with the cord around its neck would've experienced 'physical trauma' that then impacts on cognitive functionality: What is then required is treatment that helps that child to release the memory of that 'trauma' that has impacted upon it multi-dimensionally: What we are now looking at is the methodology that can help the child to do that: The earlier in a child's life that it is recognized - appreciated and worked with to heal it - the better it is for the child: The mother who gave birth to the child is also required to heal - as it happened in her body!

Mother and Child 

On-going - daily monitoring is required to ensure that the child is able to convey what it would like to convey - about what it is experiencing: It is essential that the child is enabled to express itself and its concerns: Pharmaceuticals must not be given to these children - they must be allowed to heal with methodology that is healthy for the children:

Methodology that provides the children with some self-help techniques that they will remember throughout their lives: Otherwise - eventually that 'trauma' can be become 'posttraumatic arthritis' after it has compounded with any further 'trauma' that it might experience when it starts school or later in life:

Trauma is often found at the root cause of most health conditions - and we find it a lot when doing past life healing therapy work with people as well: Trauma from past lives also impacts on this life - as people bring memories of past lives with them to heal this lifetime: Its also often the case that parents have something to learn from it as well - it can also be to help the mother to get on track with what she is meant to do in divine will:

So for instance when the bone enlarged on my left hand and the PTA could clearly be seen - in the beginning it was very sore and painful: Once I stopped doing what I was doing work wise - and began working with healing my body and the bodies - minds and souls of others: The pain and soreness in my left hand disappeared - although I still have the enlarged bone: In childhood the left hand had been stung by a bee - it had been cut by the sharp teeth of a corgi dog - and when I was 24 a nail went straight into my left hand when I stood on a plank of wood in a house that my fiance and I were looking to purchase: After that a tetanus injection was given - even more trauma for the body!

During that timeline of when the bone swelled on my left hand - after that I trained in Reiki and I was giving myself Reiki on a daily basis: We know for a scientific fact that Reiki increases the oxygen in the blood by 30%:  I carried on with the journey of giving others Reiki at every opportunity (it included giving Reiki to animals - trees and plants) - and in Reiki when you give a treatment to others - you also receive a treatment yourself - as the energy is coming through you and your body:

Reiki is certainly one of the therapies that I recommend for anything that relates to a 'post traumatic' condition:

'Physiological neurone disorders' can be complex to heal - as they impact on so many different areas and systems of the body: The greater your healing capacity - skills and talents - the greater your advantage becomes; in healing conditions before they become a 'neurone disorder' that can co-create a serious and terminal disease:

Hence in my own case - ensuring that I retained my peace was essential - and I took action to ensure that Zion's peace was defended: It didn't matter to me what else went by the wayside in my home - I had to concentrate my energy on what was really important for the heavenly Father to ensure that the process was conveyed to those that it could help: In helping myself - I was helping others - and in helping others - I was also helping the self:

During the menopause 'sleep deprivation' caused by 'insomnia' over a long period of time also impacts on your flesh and the aging process: As such getting the oxygen to every blood cell in your body is also imperative - along with all the most appropriate and important nutrients:

I have seen aging of the skin reverse on a colleague and if and when it reverses on the face - you can be sure that it is also happening inside your body as well: It didn't happen over night - it happened over a number of years - while she has been giving herself and others healing treatments:

Reiki can also be given by mothers to themselves during pregnancy and while giving birth: In addition after birth - both mother and baby should be given aromatherapy massages for the healing of the cellular structures of the body: Once the baby begins to walk and tumble over - the baby can also be taught inversion naturally:

You've seen how naturally babies take to water - its the same with exercises if you teach it to the children in a fun way: Remember how babies like to put their heads on the side - they're actually stretching their neck muscles and its important that they continue to do so: Children like to dance so you can include their body exercises into a dance routine:

The heavenly Father said 'It is to do with the mother'

If the mother is spiritually inclined - I also recommend the 'Inner Child' cards as children love picking out from these cards: You can learn a lot from what the child is attracted to - and what they pick to show you:

Prior to and after giving birth both mother and baby can be given a rescue flower essence remedy to assist the 'shock' of the 'trauma' to leave the body: I also recommend St John's Wort for the nervous system of the mother: As we know some mothers experience 'Post Natal Depression' and that is a clear sign that some of the mother's energy as gone with the child and that her nervous system has been impacted upon: St John's Wort is essential in that reality - and the mother will also require some soul retrieval intervention and healing:

Of course the aromatherapy massages also apply: Having a baby is an operational procedure in the 21st century due to the amount of memories the mother is carrying herself from her own birth - and the birth of her mother - it is transgenerational - as the memories and miasms cross all boundaries and frontiers of what the medical profession and cutting edge scientists are aware of:

So it is important that you take your power back - and actively get involved in your own healing process - and the healing process of your children: The best and most healthy approach is always holistic - although you can still listen to what the medics have to say about a specific condition: As I have explained before - it isn't an either - or - both have their place in the reality of health and its improvement for the nations:

Just make sure that you are in charge of the decisions that are made for you and your child: As ultimately - the responsibility is with the mother - as she is a guardian of the soul that she has birthed: That is why the intuition of the mother and child are so closely connected - just as Elijah is the life giver to Jonah and the teshuvah! The mother is the overseer of souls:

Children like flower essences - they also like crystals - you can tell a lot by what they choose:

Can you spare five minutes a day to read this blog - if you can then you can teshuvah

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