
Saturday 23 May 2015

Posttrauma Arthritis Research Project

Earlier in the month the post was shared on the fact that 'Trauma changes DNA'

Then there was the 'Mother and Baby and Trauma' post.

I then looked at 'Posttrauma Arthritis' after the LORD spoke of 'Physiological Neurone Disorders'  and then 'Tenascin'

Inhibition of fibrous adhesion formation in the temporomadibukal joint of tenascin-C

TNC plays an important role in TMJ wound healing, especially for wounds generated by mechanical stress.

Tenascin is accumlated along developing peripheral nerves and allows neurite outgrowth in vitro 

Bernhard Wehrle and Matthias Chiquet - Department of Biophysical Chemistry, Bwcenter, University of Basel, Klingelbergstrasse 70, CH-4056 Basel, Switzerland.

'In the work described here, we studied the expression of tenascin along peripheral nerves in normal development. We were especially interested in the correlation between the tenascin pattern and the forming neuronal plexus and nerves at the limb level. This was because the precartilage areas of the girdle and upper limb regions are known to influence the nerve pattern decisively (Tosney and Landmesser, 1984), and because tenascin is specifically expressed in and around precartilage elements (Chiquet and Fambrough, 1984a). Molecules like tenascin might be relevant to the morphogenesis of nerves either as promoters or as inhibitors of axonal growth (Edgar et al. 1984; Caroni and Schwab, 1988).'

Investigations show new link between trauma and arthritis by Kathleen Louden 

OREF-funded study indicates different processes are at work 

Posttraumatic arthritis (PTA) can develop after acute joint injury, a meniscal or ligament tear, or an intra-articular fracture, even with optimal treatment. Despite its frequency - an estimated 10 per cent to 15 percent of patients diagnosed as having osteoarthritis actually have PTA - this painful condition has not attracted much attention from researchers.

The US centre fro sports medicine have provided an article on what you should know about post traumatic arthritis and I have posted some of it next: 

Car accidents are one of the most common ways that people suffer from post-traumatic arthritis. For example, someone who's been in a motorcycle accident in which their shoulder was broken may eventually suffer post-traumatic arthritis. This is also true for many professional sports athletes who suffer from arthritis pain symptoms even before they retire due to multiple sports injuries. The damaged cartilage in the athlete's body acts like glass against the bones.

'Posttraumatic Arthritis' reminds me of a biblical prophecy about the mighty angel mentioned in the book of Revelation chapter 10: The fact that he was 'robed in a cloud' can also signify dressed in a white robe like the man that I saw in the dream of the man in the white robe recently!

I have seen him before and he looks like the lead singer from the Israeli Moshav band:

When I saw him in the white robe dream we were in a conference type board room where we were discussing health. He also appeared in the dream of being in a health centre: Then I saw another mighty angel coming down from heaven. He was robed in a cloud with a rainbow above his head; his face was like the sun, and his legs were like fiery pillars. 

If you have 'Posttraumtic Arthritis' your legs are like fiery pillars when your legs are inflamed: 

I will make a different post on the food blog for the appropriate healing foods for this condition and will try to make charts of different foods for different health conditions: I am pondering on the possibility of offering a research study for people that would like to be helped with this condition: 

In the meantime the LORD as asked for FENNEL while I was cooking lunch today. I had cooked a lambs liver dish in tomatoes and herbs and the side dish was courgette and spinach with fresh dill. When it was sauted - he then said Fennel so what is so important about 'Fennel' it is an anti-inflammatory so I sprinkled it onto of the courgette etc

Then he said 'Mustapha'

I then found a Dr Mustapha Najimi who has been doing some research with 'Adult liver stem/progenitor cells: an attractive expandable cell source to repair liver-based metabolic deficiencies'

I have a lot more to share on this but will make different posts on it. 

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