
Saturday 2 May 2015

Crystal Children Dream

I was at a fair talking to the women that were selling crystals - they were running out of stock so I showed them my crystals - and they were in different sizes - shapes and colors: I said to the woman that it didn't matter if they didn't sell them: The more crystals that they have on their stand the more people will be attracted to look: The last crystals that I gave them was some black obsidian - and I placed them down one by one like arrows of communication:

While I was giving the crystals - the women asked me if I would be interested in doing two days work with disabled children - and I said 'Yes - I would be happy to do so' 

She wrote out a piece of paper that I had to give to the place and she showed me a picture of the children: I told her that I know of the place because a dear friend used to work there:

Then I was on a bridge - holding the piece of paper - and the wind came and blew the piece of paper out of my hand: It blew the other side of the railings and I couldn't reach it - there were some other people on the bridge - a couple that were behind me and they just looked on: 

There was also a man in suspension that looked like he was doing some work on the bridge - and he was closer to the paper - he too looked on and then the dream ended:

In dream interpretation to dream of crystals signifies that 'when the light is seen shinning through it - a prismatic crystal signifies a quick solution to anything that concerns you - it can also be to do with puzzles and mysteries that people have thought about!' 

So it is a message for those that work with crystals that you will be given solutions for that which you wish to comprehend to help the children:

The fact that there were crystals and 'disabled' children in the dream indicate that the providing of crystals are to be utilized for raising money to help disabled children - for these are the crystal children that are brought light by the crystals and healers: 

To dream of a 'cripple' or 'disabled' children - means that 'you can anticipate that there will be an appeal for help from a relative or associate if your dream included a 'handicapped' person or persons'

'You would be well advised to give the assistance - as it will eventually turn out to be bread on the water' 

To dream of being given some PAPER is a 'symbol of effort' that has been put into help others:

The other people in the dream were not wiling to help her to retrieve the paper - because they just looked at it - after the wind blew it out of her hand!

First the paper was given - and then it was taken away by the wind - so then the healer couldn't do what the women wished for her to do with the children - as she required the paper for the administrator of the place to enable her to work with children: The letter could've been a formal introduction that had been backed by the women - like a reference:

To dream of 'being on a bridge in daylight - and if the bridge is in good repair - if you crossed it without difficulty - it signifies a satisfactory change and prosperity: If the bridge was in repair (and it was) then it signifies a warning about making any changes for the time being' 
The dream shows us that the people have to be willing to help the healers if humanity is to give the children the help that they require:

IAM Mandala 

To dream of numbers in a dream whether it is the number of people or eg the TWO DAYS signifies an increase in personal power and prestige:

Two days also links into a level of a Reiki training course and the equivalent of it: Two also being the numeric of the lovers - harmony and harmonics of sound: The children can be helped in multi-dimensional ways - to assist the children with what they feel - as the numeric of two is to do with the 'emotions' of the children involved in the dream:

TWO is also the numeric of CARING - it is a feminine number:

The digestive system of the children is 'Vulnerable' due to the numeric of two in the dream - and they do require exercise and proper nutrition for their health conditions that they experience:

When I was in Israel with the 'disabled' children - they loved to be in the swimming pool and to splash in the water: They were so happy in the sunshine with wonderful carers - and they loved to dance to the pop music: It was wonderful to see these children happy! 

There were five obsidian crystals put on the table - and they were shaped like keys on a piano so piano music is also good for these children: The numeric of five is also a numeric of physical reality - there were three people in the dream as well as myself: Three is the numeric of the trinity - creativity - initiative and action: 

Four is the numeric of applying intelligent energy and its symbol is the Virgin and the Twins: It is also the numeric of architecture and design that was conveyed in the dream: 

I must admit I have noticed that buildings are still not built for purpose to accommodate these children and people must turn their hearts to the children - in all aspects that concern them: Children have human rights too! 

Obsidian comes from the lava from volcano eruptions - and it is a crystal for the gentle and tender hearted - some say that few mediums can work with this crystal - due to the sheer power of it! 

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