
Saturday 2 May 2015


May day was interesting - and while bathing with coconut - Vit E and basil aromatherapy oil massaged into my head and shoulders - I saw a vision of a white puppy and it looked like an English Bulldog!

The young dog was just being playful and its keynote is 'Faithfulness and Protection' and its cycle of power is a year! In England this dog is usually associated with Winston Churchill as it was his symbol - you often see it in videos of classical songs that are sung in England at the proms:

So it made me smile when I saw the protestors in London and a young woman sitting on top of a lion:

Photograph courtesy of Getty and the Daily Mail 

Protestors rose up from all around the world on what is 'Workers Day' internationally - Milan is one of the locations that was on fire - and Nostradamus gave predictions that included Milan - France - Spain and the UK: From the UK to the Philippines - Malaysia - South Korea - and in Greece I am pleased to report that the Greek finance minister joined the protesters!

Seriously the people have had enough and the people are showing up in their thousands - these numbers will continue to increase - until such time as the politicians listen and abide by the people that they are in office to represent: 

People have had enough of what capitalism and socialism in its current form has co-created - people have had enough of the austerity cuts -  hospitals and listed buildings being sold off to property developers:

So for sure it was the May Day puppy in England - and the whistle of the LORD was given - exactly as the biblical prophecies predicted in Isaiah 5:26 I also heard his whistle calling on the 30th April and made a post on this blog about hearing the whistle clairaudiently! 

There is also news today that Kate as gone into labour and the new birth is about to arrive - the baby is late and that is no surprise - as when babies realize what kind of planet they're being born into - they're not so keen to be born - my son was the same and he was too weeks late!

Babies in the womb hear everything that is going on outside of the womb - and that is a major realization for the baby about what it is being born into: I naturally favor a girl for Kate for her second born - but we will have to see what comes - may her labor be easy and quick - like a dog giving birth to a puppy!

I must admit that baby George does remind me of Winston Churchill!


  1. Congratulations to William and Kate on the birth of their baby girl on the 'Day of Observation' in the 'Week of Manifestation' - a Taurus 1 baby sister for baby George! He looked so sweet waving to the crowd with his Dad!

    Lovely pictures of the beautiful new baby girl that weighed in at 8lbs and 3 ounces - that is a big baby an they're always big when they arrive late due to the babies putting on a pound a week for each week that they are late:

    From the news report it looks like it was a fast delivery - in and out of hospital in 12 hours:

    Infectious bundle of joy for the nation and many people are celebrating her arrival in the UK:

    I am sure that the celebrations will go on all weekend - as it is bank holiday weekend - this weekend!

  2. One thing is for sure - we will always remember her birthday - being right after May Day

  3. Daily Mail has featured a white bulldog today - a French one that evaded his owners questions after eating the pen- big smiles!
