
Friday 1 May 2015

Clairaudient Whistle

This week - I heard the gong - Tibetan bowl humming sound after partial inversion prior to seeing what happened in Indonesia with the men that sang a prayer as they passed over - one of the men had become an artist during his rehabilitation: Spreading the paint can be a powerful healer and a reminder of the beauty of creation in all of its wonderful colors: It is also a tremendous creative expression when you can express yourself through art in whatever form that requires for your creativity: Sometimes my creativity is expressed in words - sometimes in color - sometimes in cooking and developing new recipes for different health conditions - and sometimes with the magnanimous love healing therapies - oils and essences:

I was also given the name 'Alison' three or four times on the same day - and there are locations with the name of 'Alison' in the USA - Canada and Australia:  The people were asked if anyone in the community knew of a person with the name of Alison - and a person said that they had a dream of their friend 'Alison'-  so that was two people given 'Alison' this week!

Its also the name of a flower - the 'Sweet Alison' that my parents used to have in their garden:

Photograph courtesy of Wikipedia

This evening I heard his whistle faintly on the left side - after I had written that I feel like painting again - the whistle is a call!

Prophet Isaiah delivered a message about the whistle and the banner - and the banner as been raised for the nations on our healing mandala blog: Isaiah 5:26 says 'Here they come - swiftly and speedily!'

The LORD said 'Chalut' and sometimes he speaks to me in Hebrew - it is written that the word 'Chalut' means 'Pioneer': 

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