
Thursday 30 April 2015


The dream was vivid although I don't remember a lot of the discussion that went on between myself and what looked like a client on the massage bed: 

However what I do remember is putting the palm oil on him and massaging it into his body - the action was the most important factor of this particular dream: 

Funny that the oil seemed to change color - as the oil looked white on him when it was massaged: 

Then another therapist came into the room -and I explained why palm oil was being put on him for health reasons - and she carried on with the massage: Her name was Jill:

In dream interpretation - to dream of giving a massage can indicate that good news is approaching:

2015 also links into Luke 20:15 and Jesus speaking of 'Generous' eg giving:

Palm Oil being put on man by two different women - is interesting in light of current events - especially as Jesus sent out his healers in two's: 

The oil changing color to white could be an indicator that the palm oil is a purifier as white is the color of purity!

I found it interesting the Indians read the leaves and in the link on Palm Oil it speaks of prophecy given by the Indians and the name 'Marco' is mentioned: Marco is the name of a person that owns a CT forum and administers the community - so was it Marco on the massage bed being given healing by two different women - you decide - the man that I saw didn't have much hair on his head!

The Palm Tree readers are called 'Nadi Readers'

Nostradamus also gave a prophecy about the 'Palm Branch' and it was posted on my previous blog and it does indicate the timeline for the 'Palm Branch'


Because of the stormy seas the strange ship
will approach an unknown port,
notwithstanding the signals from the branch of palm,
after death, pillage: good advice given late.

'Not with standing' is what they kept on saying in the Obama court cases for his birth certificate! 

Now look at what has happened in Baltimore

The numeric of 31 is also interesting as it is in complete alignment with Proverbs 31:31

What else do we have posted in the archives: 

“Let thy hand be upon the man of thy right hand, upon the son of man whom thou madest strong for thyself. So will not we go back from thee: quicken us, and we will call upon thy name. Turn us again, O LORD God of hosts, cause thy face to shine; and we shall be saved.” Psalm 80:17-19 I am thy God: I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of my righteousness.” Isaiah 41:10. 

The Essene Book of Revelation "The seven stars are the Angels of the Heavenly Father, And the seven stars are the Angels of the Earthly Mother. And the spirit of man is the flame That streams between the starlight and the glowing candle; A bridge of holy light between Heaven and Earth."

Nehemiah 6:9 They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.” But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.” 

Biblically the palm tree is feminine and you can find it in the Song of Songs of Solomon: 

There is an important nutrient in palm oil as the video above conveys - and it can also be found in Pearly Barley that was also divinely given: You only require a little palm oil for cooking - its great on roast chicken: I am also cooking with rice bran oil for cooking on a regular basis as currently it is more economical than olive oil: So I am keeping the olive oil for salads and I sometimes use olive oil for massaging my body as well!

There is a great middle eastern kosher dish that an Israeli man once cooked for me with chicken - grated carrots and onions - I've liked it ever since that time and the small chicken pieces - grated carrots and onions could be cooked in the palm oil:

You cook your long rice in some turmeric and then drain the rice and put it in with your cooked ingredients - mix it up together - its quick - delicious and healthy! 

One person didn't like the fact that I shared the prophecies along with the information on the dream - and to people like that I give you this response: 

Those of us that are true have done the work on self before we were called to work with others - and we continue to work on self as we move forward in helping others with different health conditions:

Just as the dream conveys - female healers work together to help man during the earth changes that are taking place on the planet:

Prophecy predicts that our hands are being strengthened so that the great work can be completed - and it is divine providence that I am both willing - and was summoned to share the scripture as ordained by God: However - I am ever mindful of the fact that nature is the holy scroll - and there is plenty of nature and leaves for healing the nations as prophecy predicts:

So go walk in nature and feel the energy of the leaves - see if you can read them like the Indians! 

The name of the other healer in the dream:

Jill is an English feminine given name, a short form of the name Jillian (Gillian), which in turn originates as a Middle English variant of Juliana, the feminine form of the name Julian.

This year there was the dream of the coconut oil to be bought at the local health food shop - and in so doing support your local community - and those that have stood steadfast through it all! Interesting that the inversion began on the 28th April - and that is the 'Day of Steadfast'

In 2015 there was also the dream of serving a tomato drink - and we discovered that tomato juice is excellent for the prostate - and woman also have a prostate like men: Tomato with basil and celery would also be excellent for health! As basil has a huge amount of calcium and celery is also excellent for the endocrine system: 

As I used to say onwards and upwards - and as Jesus said 'You can do it with Grace' 

The man was on the massage bed in repose - and this is my year of repose: 


  1. In the years after this dream, I developed a health condition with my hands, so that would explain why I wasn't able to finish off the massage myself in the dream. However, the post also mentions the scripture about strengthening my hands and that was achieved with a specific remedy in 2017.

  2. Thanks for writing such a beautiful article for the online community.

    Pranaya Mathur
