
Monday 20 April 2015

Train Station Flood Dream

I had been up all night and then tried to sleep - after awhile I drifted off into dream time and then a dream began! 

It looked like I was in some kind of train or tube station and everyone was running and trying to get away from the water that was coming down: 

I found myself running away from the water and where the train was - and the direction that I was running into was to get out of the location:

Then as I was running there were people running in my direction and I could see the water pouring in like a tsunami behind them - that they were trying to run from it - there was water everywhere and then the dream ended! 

One of the young people that was running in my direction had fair hair it looked like he and the others were coming down some steps - he was dressed and looked liked a student - I noticed that prior to waking up! 

In dream interpretation if you dream of 'being drenched in a blowing rainstorm it is an augury of unexpected wealth - likely to be through a legacy!' However if there is a train involved it can indicate a 'hitch' or 'delay': To dream of a storm can indicate that there is an obstacle to overcome and in the dream there was nowhere out from the storm that was coming for the students - although we did turn to the right side prior to the dream ending! 

I couldn't sleep after that dream as it was a powerful dream and it did feel like a real event that would happen - so I went and had a hot bath and dozed off in the bath!

20th April is the 'Day of Challenge' 

1 comment:

  1. Well in the afternoon of Monday there was a news of an event in Holborn and that is the name of a tube station near the London School of Economics - there was a building collapse and a man was injured! So how does the dream correlate with what happened - let's look at what was written to see what matches with was written this morning on this blog:

    Station = location = Holborn

    Train - Tube Station - Holborn is a tube station

    Delays = Evening Standard reported that there were delays on all of the London tubes today

    Wealth = its a wealthy area - you couldn't afford to live there

    Legacy = a lot of properties in that area are inherited

    Downpour = collapse of the building that arrived as speedily as a tsunami

    People running = 200 people evacuated

    Student area = the location and tube is close to the London school of economics

    Students and steps = there is a video of the students being evacuated from the Library of the LSE and they're seen leaving the building walking down the steps
