
Saturday 18 April 2015


After writing the previous blog post on 'Bliss' Jesus - Russell Brand and David Cameron etc in relation to the election that is coming on the 7th May:

I was then given a message KAPTINA 

I then found a Kaptina in Albania and there is a website with Kaptina - Albania Islamic prayer times:

After that I was also given the name 'Winifrid' 

'Winifred is a feminine given name from the Anglo-Saxon Wine ("friend") and Frith ("peace[ful]"). It may refer to Saint Winefrid and there is an interesting legend associated with the Welsh Saint!

Saint Winefride

'Saint Winifred or Saint Winefride (Welsh: Gwenffrewi; Latin: Vinefrida) was a 7th-century Welsh Christian woman, around whom many historical legends have formed. A healing spring at the traditional site of her death is now a shrine and pilgrimage site called St Winefride's Well in Holywell, Flintshire, Wales known as the Lourdes of Wales.'

Some more information on the truth about her

It is written that she had a scar on her neck and yesterday someone wrote on forum how important the mark on the neck is as being the mark that all prophets have! However you have to be born with it - and it is most likely that Winifrid gained her scar due to what is written about what happened to her with the man that wished to marry her: She declined his offer and suffered the consequences  - prior to her uncle making an intervention to save her life!

I was born with a mark on the left hand side of my neck - it is 2 inches above the neck bone! When I was younger I referred to it as a beauty mark when people asked if I might have it removed - it is quite small so it never bothered me - I always quite liked it:

Prior to that I was also given NECKER while I was cooking and I did wonder what was going on at Necker Island owned by Richard Branson! As Branson also supported Tony Blair and his election bid - we all know where that took the UK - Blair and Brown and the war that took place on tax payers money!


Just checked the news and on this day there has been a youth minister caught in Albania and returned to the USA for 'sodomizing' young boys from the age of eight years old!  There is a Catholic website for St Winifred with the previous pope Benedict on it - and there are two locations with the name: One in Montana and another is the beach in Jamaica!

There as also been 23 earthquakes in the region of Albania - and the area is still quaking - its just opposite to Italy on the map:

Another update between 2300 and 23:10 I received another message - this time he said it loudly and like when a man speaks likes he singing a word - when the word is stretched out!


1 comment:


    Pics of Baltimore

    This is a repeat of what happened in the UK that kicked off in little Israel - North London in 2011 and it is written in the biblical prophecies

    On Sunday I saw a smoke signal on the right
