
Wednesday 22 April 2015

MAGPIE Message

Our blackbird is still flying past the window everyday - looks like he's collecting food and taking it to the nest: Yesterday the elephant was shared as it is included in the coat of arms for Camden and we all know what happened in Holborn: There has been three events in April in London - a 'fire' - a 'heist' in Hatton Garden and a 'building collapse' in Portugal Street!

Funny that I had been in contact with Portugal (the country) prior to the happening and prior to the dream of the downpour at a tube train station:

No coincidence then that water is symbolic of feminine energy - and the water symbols appear in the Camden insignia!

I have been expressing that symbology in dreams usually have a different meaning to spiritual symbology - the meaning of symbology also differs in different cultures and nations: People do view things differently due to their spiritual experience of the symbology - and sometimes that understanding and appreciation as been passed on orally:

The location where I left the mothers womb - I really like the motto of Camden in London - and I was also married in Camden!

What else has been happening in the UK - people have been storming Buckingham Palace and the police were as cool as a cucumber sandwich: They usually are in that location due to the tourists and they looked like they were enjoying some action - they weren't so calm with the protestors in Manchester!

Today in the countryside I saw the magpie hopping on the roof outside my window - and lots of baby birds flying around! It had a lot of white on it - so what is the message of the magpie - its keynote is 'the proper use of  intelligence' and as we know scientifically - the heart is the seat of intelligence! 

Its cycle of power is the winter and summer and it is a cousin to the crow! Yesterday we shared the legend of the tower of London again and how if the ravens were allowed to fly away - then that would be the end of the monarchy in England - so says the legend of the prophecy! 

So instead of storming Buck House - perhaps protestors should turn their attention to the birds in London prior to this forthcoming election on the 'Day of Devotion' in the UK! 

Magpie indicates that up on that roof people are getting organized - especially in the North West - it also indicates the importance of studying the importance of directions - and the students from the London School of Economics were impacted upon on the day of the dream of the downpour! 

There is a video of them coming down the steps as they were leaving the LSE library! In the dream - the students where going right - they came up from the subway and they also came down the steps - people from two directions went right together! 

If you went right outside LSE it would take you towards the river - and a restaurant boat also sunk on the river in recent days: If you went right outside of Holborn station it would take you to an historical publishing area that surrounds the British Museum and the British Library and that is on the way to Kings Cross: 

The fact that there was ambulances at the scene in London on the day of the dream of the downpour - is also interesting as on Sunday we had been discussing retired ambulances and their color is yellow and green - that then reminded me of the green cross mandala! 

Last week while I was looking at vehicles on line - the LORD spoke and he said 'Mercedes' then after that I noticed that Mercedes won the race! That then inspired the discussion on possible vehicles with people - and that then brought forth the Mercedes Sprinter! It was between 2010 - 2011 when I was shown a camper van in a vision that was given to a colleague while we were healing together! 

Author Ted Andrews says that 'Magpie can see the opportunities and advancement through the proper use of intelligence' 

Apparently there is a legend that the 'Magpie refused to go into Noah's ark - and insisted upon staying on the roof' big smiles! No coincidence then that Jesus also spoke about the roof and shouting it from the rooftops! 

Ted shares with us that if you see a Magpie on a roof it means that this house will never come down - and homes in the UK do tend to be strongly built - although I would like to see a lot more truly ecological self-sustainability! 

There is plenty of new build going on in the UK - the thing is that most of isn't ecological! 

To be truly ecologically - you have to be off the grid altogether - and that is what our David was inspired to do!

Magpie indicates that you do things differently to others and that's another reason that magpie likes to visit - they usually nest close to water and water can be found on roofs! 

As far as the Green party are concerned - they are making gains - their tactic of being against Israel will surely bring them some Islamic and student vote! Alas many people are not impressed with the Greens and UKIP are making huge gains - red and blue are currently neck and neck! Although the polls can ensure that more people go out and vote: 

Magpie tells me that its going to be a very black and white election - and most people have already made their choice: This election people will vote with their hearts of intelligence - and where their conscience is - some won't vote at all! 

The election is about intelligence and Cameron didn't even know how many food banks there are in the UK - so how intelligent is he! Of course the poor have never been his main concern - that is why there have been austerity cuts and more planned!

So what opportunities are there for the children - I shared with the male children a long time ago - get a trade under your belt - as a tradesmen is always useful in any economic climate! There is always opportunities for a tradesmen if and when he has the eyes to see it: 

Humanity requires rescue workers - it doesn't require economists to live a healthy life - the students at the LSE got another wake-up call! - What would they do if there were no students willing to study economics - big smiles! 

What's black and white the police force - a lot of decisions will be made upon the decisions that the police force made in respect of the people! Some of us still remember how they handled little Israel in 2011 - what they did to man - shot him - end of the dad - and where now is the dad for those children: Did the police think of that before they fired their guns - that they were taking the children's dad!

They used to be called the 'boys in blue' not anymore - they usually wear black these days - and we all know the power of that color if worn: The Russian scientists did a lot of work on that and the impact of wearing 'black' - it makes people 'depressed' so yea if you were in the police force standing against the people - how would that make you feel!

Could you live with your heart of conscience - knowing how the people feel about the current administration and what it does with austerity etc

Justice is a thin line to walk - like being a trapeze artist - keeping a balance is an art for artists that are creative - fair and just! Can integrity be brought back to the justice system in this country - time will tell - as 2012 was the end of the world as humanity have known it!

What justice was there for those children in 2011 - did you see any! What do magistrates know about poverty - what do councillors know about poverty - and the tremendous pressure that young families are experiencing in the UK!

Did you know that another judge in the UK has ordered that the bedroom tax must be axed - that is the second judge in the UK to make that decision - in addition to the UN report upon it! Did No 10 get the message - how about those that live at No 11 - did they hear what the judges have to say about their austerity measures upon the poor!

The people must turn their hearts to the children that are suffering in the UK - as it is a 'crime against humanity' to do what Cameron has done! Not only that it is what is known as 'Procurement of Suicide' the people have been pushed beyond where they are willing to go - the economists have overstepped the boundaries of the people - and enough - really is enough!

Remember this - Zion defends the 'oppressed' and she does not support Cameron or anything that he has done - simple as that! Remember the Frank Sinatra song that was given 'Let there be love' what happened to that in the UK  - pray tell me is there any room for love to exist in every home:


Statistics show that the Russian viewings of this blog have soared in the month of April 2015 - and page views are now double that of the USA: No surprise then that earlier in the year Putin said that the Russians are more spiritual than the Americans!

The next highest viewings came from the UK - followed by the Swiss - an interesting development in the lead up to the election in the UK! 

Interesting that the 22nd April is the 'Day of Establishment' and one of the translations of the name that I was given divinely is 'god will establish':

Its a good sign we are moving on!

On a health level we've been discussing the power of the herb basil - and how that herb provides an incredible amount of calcium - my son bought some mushrooms yesterday so I cooked a lovely pasta dish with oregano - basil - garlic - and in a separate pan I cooked a carrot cut up tiny - with red onion sliced - more garlic - oregano - basil - rock salt and black pepper - and of course the sliced mushrooms:

When the pasta was cooked I included more mushrooms and covered the pasta in milk allowing it to simmer prior to including the carrot and mushroom mixture to the pasta that also had artichoke hearts and some capers included with it: It was really delicious! So I will add it to the food blog! The dish was served with some grated cheese on the top of it:

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