
Monday 27 April 2015

Strengthen My Hands Prophecy

Nehemiah 6:9 They were all trying to frighten us, thinking, “Their hands will get too weak for the work, and it will not be completed.” But I prayed, “Now strengthen my hands.” 

And a method was given for strengthening the hands in 2014 - and then the new blog was designed and prepared and it was ready to go in 2015! Then the paint was spread in 2015 after a vision was given of the feminine hands holding the blue flower! As I look at that painting now I can see a foot in the painting on the right side of it! I can also see faces in the painting - a blue bird and also what looks like a woman's face! I can also see a koala bear - and in the prophecies the bear has three bones in its mouth! 

Bones in its mouth could well be linking into dentistry - as we have been writing about the teeth and what impacts on the 'gums' - 'teeth' and 'enamel' etc: I have strong bones - good gums and I've noticed that new white enamel is growing on my teeth - as well - the health condition being what the dentist referred to as being 'arrested': Interesting that dogs like to chew a bone - and the bones are mentioned in the prophecy of Daniel: 

A porcelain crown left my mouth last week - and I discovered that underneath the porcelain was 'metal' that had been put in my mouth over 30 years ago during the first saturn return: Some of my teeth 'disintegrated' during pregnancy due to the baby in the womb taking my calcium that I had in the body! 

So it was no surprise that teeth came up again on the second saturn return: If the enamel starts to come off of your teeth - be aware that it can be the outcome of 'trauma' that you've experienced - as it is a symptom of 'Sjogrens Syndrome' that is 'triggered by trauma': Dental work can also be 'traumatic' for the body and its energy system - in fact - there were times when my consciousness would start to leave the body when 'injected' - I also had blood vessels exploding on my face afterwards! 

We know for a fact that x-rays impact on the endocrine system - and that teeth x-rays - impact on the salivary glands that are important for your teeth and its enamel! 

Another symptom of 'Sjogrens syndrome' is fatigue - that is also found in ME patients: 

In the early 90's  I worked with some ME case studies - I discovered that ME is also triggered by 'trauma' and I was able to link the health condition directly to the experience that the person had just prior to the health condition kicking in! 

So we were able to establish what brought it on - with the ME cases there was usually a relationship involved in it! As far as the 'titanium implants' are concerned - I do not recommend that people have those - as I know what  happens when 'metal' is put into the body - 'metal' is 'alien' to the body and the body often 'ejects the metal' when it can - if and when the body can't eject it - it can then be the co-creator of a disease and serious health condition! 

When the family planning clinic put a copper 7 in my cervix - 'cancerous cells' were the result - and they had to be removed! Nearly two years of laser and hospital treatment age 25-27 - do you know that the American manufacturer of the Copper 7 - Searle is still providing those to third world countries - the last time that I looked! 

My surgeon was a pioneer in laser surgery at the time in London - there were only six machines in the UK at that time - and he is still working with women in Ireland - God bless his soul - I have long life: 

Then when I got the all clear - and after I gave birth to my son - I was rushed into hospital for an urgent operation on the cervix - and a lot was going on in life at that time: So now we find out that the dentist put a lot of 'metal' in my mouth when he put in the porcelain crowns - if I had known then - what I know now - I would have investigated what he was putting into my mouth - and what it was made of! 

As I have experienced some 'metal toxicity' - and when you experience that - you can experience some 'electric shocks' when touching 'metal cooking utensils' - that is how you know what your body does not like: 

Nehemiah 8:10 Nehemiah said, “Go and enjoy choice food and sweet drinks, and send some to those who have nothing prepared. This day is holy to our LORD. Do not grieve, for the joy of the LORD is your strength.”

This being 2015 also links us into Luke 20:15 and that is about Jesus speaking about being 'Generous' and generous can be viewed in relation to Nehemiah 8:10 as it speaks of the giving: A mandala was given for the children of Nepal  - mercy was sent to help - and it was in 2014 that my hands were strengthened and are still being done so!

I highly recommend the album 'Requiem' by Nigel Shaw - also his album 'the River' - its great instrumental music to bathe in - great for relaxing and healing - great to just be in the sound of its soulful energy: Its refreshingly beautiful - as divine love that feeds the soul - its lovely for repose of the heart time - when we just soak up the divine in the peacefulness of the being - calmness and gracefulness: 

Nigel Shaw's album is the best in its genre - as far as I am concerned - and you can always return to it - it feels as good as the first time that you heard it! 


  1. Teeth - Water and Fluoride in the USA - a news report from The Guardian - they've now decided that fluoride is the cause of blotches and streaks on the teeth of children!

    I shall carry on with my coconut oil that I feel strongly has 'arrested' the health condition combined with the specially prepared diet specifically for the health condition: I also feel that the sensodyne pro-enamel as made a positive contribution to the re-enameling that I have to see arrive on my teeth!

    I am eating artichoke hearts for the salivary glands - I've been eating smoked mackerel and taking some cod liver oil capsules! Did you know that the intake of oily fish has decreased in the Uk by at least 50% on average since 1940 - also some people don't eat oily fish at all!

    Capers are also excellent for the teeth!

    Jesus gave me swede and so that is staying on the menu!

    Pure honey is also good for counteracting any 'metal toxicity' and a spoonful of honey on carrots is delicious! I also like honey on oven baked oats - although make sure there is no ghee in your honey! As ghee has been put in some honey - it has also been put in the global food diet of processed foods - so limit your processed foods as much as possible! Remember this that the body was made to process food and not eat processed foods! Red onion and or spring onion also assists the body to break down the proteins - and that makes if far easier for the body to digest the proteins! So its good to have a refreshing salad with or after a meal - along with a glass of fresh spring water if you have it!

    Remember the days when water was served with every meal: Some people clean their teeth after every meal: Is that really necessary - teeth are quite robust if they have enough calcium! However - as explained the salivary glands are essential for the fluids that defend the teeth! And it doesn't help if your tonsils were removed when you were a teenager! As the tonsils also defend the body and its immune system!

  2. I also eat pickled herring and fresh anchovies and I have posted some new recipes on the food blog!

  3. Someone else that recommends cod liver oil - also interesting the quote from Edgar Cayce and that fits in exactly with the soups that I have been preparing and sharing:

    Re-grow tooth enamel and heal cavities naturally
