
Tuesday 28 April 2015

Freddy - Baltimore

On Sunday I saw a smoke signal on my right - and today the BBC have featured a report on what is happening in Baltimore:


These are the pictures of Baltimore

This is a repeat of what happened in the UK that kicked off in little Israel - North London in 2011 and that was written in the biblical prophecies - England was on fire due to the murder of a man by the police force: 

The USA is the land of ESAU and ESAU is the 'attacker' in the prophecies - the prophecies predict  that it will become 'stubble' and that every time they try to build it up the LORD will bring it down again! 

It is written that Freddy Gray died in police custody and now African-Americans in the USA have risen up against the force that are being held accountable for what happened to the man! 

On the 18th April I received the KAPTINA message then WINEFRED and  NIKOLAOS

Do you remember the commandments USA 

The American press report says that they don't even know why the man was 'arrested' in the first place:

The report says that he died on the 19th April and that is the day after I received the 'Kaptina' message! The 19th April is the 'Day of Control' and the police like to have don't they - it is written that Fred died due to a spinal injury received while in police custody! 

You then see what happens when the police arrived fully armed with guns and ready to shoot the protestors: The protestors were quick off the mark to run for their lives: Police officers in the USA like shooting people 'don't they! Seriously Jesus was correct in December 2008 when he spoke of the end being nigh!

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