
Monday 27 April 2015


Prior to the start of writing on the blogs to record the messages being received - I just used to post them on forums and a lot was posted on an American forum from 2007 onwards - and it began with asking people not to 'Fire the Grids' - of course a lot of Americans didn't wish to hear it!

At that time I was one of six people in the world that was asking spiritual people not to do what they were planning to do:  After the summer of 2007 - I also received information that relates to India and it was posted at that time with the location names:

As the time got closer - NEPAL was given while painting a mandala in 2014 - after seeing the rocks in a dream that had been put in the hands of two different women: After the dream of the women and the rocks - I then had a dream experience with a man from the community and I was told by an older man that everything must be explained to him:

There was also the posts on Nepal and the Earth Changes - in addition to the mandala painting for the children of Nepal!

The recent quake is written that it was a 7:8 and 78 in gematria = prayer - I wrote on my first website 'It started with a prayer' and the meditation of the heart for healing does start with a prayer! You can find it mentioned in the biblical prophecies and it was launched in 2001!

The quake happened on the 'Day of Substance' in the week of 'Manifestation'

Heaven and earth is my witness

The 25th of April - 'Day of Substance' and 25 is also the numeric of 'Analysis' and 25 is the numeric of 'Powers of Judgement'

2+5 = 7 and seven is a spiritual number and the life number of Jesus - it is also my life number - the number of the spiritual teacher! In Hebrew it is the ZAYIN and the Jewish sages refer to it as the 'Woman of Valor'

When the paint was being spread for the rock mandala that I called the 'Opal Mandala' after the dream was received - I was given the message 'NEPAL' 'Ballet' and 'MILK' (see the original posts) in recent weeks we have been discussing the milk - the GHEE that has been put into the global food diet!

What else do we have:

NEPAL Earth Change

No coincidence then that it happened right after 'Earth Day' in 2015!


Then there was the other warning 'Nepal - the hikers and ebola'

This being 2015 also links us into Luke 20:15 and that is about Jesus speaking about being 'Generous'

The latest photographs that includes what is left of the 'Bal Krishna Temple'

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