
Tuesday 7 April 2015

Dignity Prophecy C6 Q40

Following on from the recent posts about dignity -  Nostradamus also gave a prophecy that mentions 'Dignity':

Grand de Magonce pour grande soif esteindre,
Sera priué de sa grande dignité:
Ceux de Cologne si fort le viendront plaindre,
Que la grand groppe au Rhin sera ietté.

To quench the great thirst the great one of Mainz
Will be deprived of his great dignity:
Those of Cologne will come to complain so loudly
That the great rump will be thrown into the Rhine.

If I think of 'Rump' I think of 'Beef' and American meat has been banned in 160 countries: 

The mention of Cologne and the Rhine could indicate the EU decisions on agricultural policy - and many Europeans are fully aware of what meat from the USA has been fed on! So this prophecy should really go on the food blog: There is also an election in the UK - and the farmers will certainly have their voice heard due to the involvement of UKIP in the EU parliament! 

The prophecy mentions the 'great thirst' and that can be cross-referenced with biblical prophecy - what  happened in Germany certainly impacted upon their dignity as a nation: As soon as  I began to write this post I could hear a song from the group 'Carmen' indeed!

The lady singer from Carmen with two of the other musicians were from LA California - that also links us into the USA - and California Farmers Weekly report that its in its fourth year of drought - a great thirst hey!

Do you know who paid for modern Germany to be built - the British tax payer - you might well ask - how comes the English paid to rebuild Germany:

In the Roman city of Mainz we find a church in the name of Augustine and in 2014 the biblical film of Augustine of Hippo from Algeria was shared: They built big churches didn't they in different names - as they were warned not to build upon the foundations of Jesus with building materials:  

I hope that you had a wonderful holiday weekend and lunar eclipse - the sun is shinning in the blue sky today - and the pink blossom is blossoming beautifully! 

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