
Tuesday 7 April 2015


I've been looking at the 'Bear' prophecies in the bible as there is a 'Bear' prophecy given by Daniel in chapter 7 - and in scripture Jesus also spoke of a time of being 'more bearable' on the 'day of judgement' for some: Matthew 10:15 and Matthew 11:22  

Prophet Hosea also spoke of the bear robbed of her cubs in Hosea 13:8 

I found that the word in Hebrew for 'Bear' is dob and interesting that everyone has a date of birth and we see dob on various legal documents! 

In the prophecy in the kingdom of the bear - the bear has three ribs in its mouth although depending on what translation you look at 'rib' as explained by biblical scholars should be 'sides' and the daniel prophecy does mention the meat! As we know bears also like honey and in recent weeks I've been looking at the 'Honey and Ghee Conspiracy' and what the corporations have been putting into the global food diet! 

The numeric of three can also relate to the Trinity - the triad and we've just had the third eclipse on a Jewish holiday: It is written that the last time there were eclipses like this was back in 2003-2004 and that was the year of the harmonic concordance - when the spiritually elect were called by the angels and the 'Star of David' appeared in heavens: 

The symbol and sign of the 'Son of Man' and the term 'Son of Man' is a term of endearment for a prophet: For instance both Daniel and Ezekiel were referred to as "Son of Man': The prophecies also spoke of a person that is 'like the Son of Man': 150 biblical scholar's at the Jesus Seminar agreed when Jesus spoke of the person to come - he was not referring to himself as the 'Son of Man':  However - many Christians find that hard to take on board! 

Certainly the Swiss author and healer that I met in Florence in 2003 was built like a bear! He had flown in from Israel to engage with the celebration that spiritual people were celebrating around the world - it indicated that great change was coming - when the healers of East and West worked together with the Italians: 

I also looked to see if there were any prophecies about the bear in Islam - and I found in Pakistan they remove the claws and teeth of the bear for sport and entertainment -  and they tie up the bear with a rope - while dogs tear the bear apart - something serious for the animal rights activists to look at and campaign about! In England you can see the bears in the circus and the zoo - although they should be allowed to be in their natural habitat! 

The prophecy of the kingdom of the bear with the numeric of three can also link us into 2010 = 3 and Greece as in 2010 we had 333 and the sophia wisdom gateway opening: After that there was a biblical plague of frogs in Greece - that was followed by the arrival of the sign of Jonah in Israel - the whale arrived in Israeli waters - the sign that Jesus spoke about in scripture that would indicate that the judgment had begun: 

That was then followed by the 'flotilla disaster' and 5 million trees burning down on mount Carmel: That was one tree for every Jewish person living in Israel - of course Mount Carmel is mostly associated with Elijah and I did go to that location on the first mission to Israel in 2006: 

In 2007 I also taken to what is known as Elijah's cave and it was there that the shofar was sounded by a humble stall holder: Three of us went on that trip that day - an American man - an Israeli woman and myself!  

Again we have the trio:

Greece is also known for its bears and at Athens airport they have some beautiful photographs that were taken at the bear sanctuary in Greece! So let us look at the bear prophecies again - as many nations have bears although most people associate the bear with Russia: 

Nostradamus associated the bear with white wool - the sun signs of astrological configurations - the constellations: Woods where bears live -  and how the letters of the cities would be hidden in the candle! 

Pres de Rion, & proche à blanche laine,
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, la Vierge,
Mars, Iupiter, le Sol ardera grand plaine,
Bois & citez lettres cachez au cierge.

Near the Bear and close to the white wool,
Aries, Taurus, Cancer, Leo, Virgo,
Mars, Jupiter, the Sun will burn a great plain,
Woods and cities letters hidden in the candle.

The first sun sign that he gives is Aries and being the new astrological year that begins with Aries - its a good time to share this prophecy: Is it a coincidence that it has also been a timeline whereby the plane going into the French alps was in the news - as he also gave a prophecy about that as well! No surprise then that we were given the name of the pilot in 2013! 

'Can you bring forth the constellations in their seasons or lead out the Bear with its cubs?' Job 38:32

Nostradamus mentions the 'White wool' and that too can be found in the biblical prophecy in relation to the Ancient of Days! So the French Christian mystic with a Jewish family inheritance was predicting that the bear and the white wool would happen at the same time: That is also confirmed in Daniel chapter 7 as both are mentioned in the chapter! If more people were willing to cross-reference prophecies - then they would gain clarity on what the French mystic was imparting: 

“As I looked, “thrones were set in place, and the Ancient of Days took his seat. His clothing was as white as snow; the hair of his head was white like wool. His throne was flaming with fire, and its wheels were all ablaze." Daniel 7:9 

Throughout my adult life - I've worn what we call our 'Winter Whites' I found wearing warm jumpers that are white in color - so uplifting during the winter time: Color does have an impact on you -  and those that come into your auric fields: 

Another reason why this is being shared now - is that I keep on having dreams of men that are built like bears - and the most recent one is the most affectionate of all - he wraps his arms around me in a great big bear hug! He's so happy - that he dances from foot to foot at my side! He picks up my hand - holds it and squeezes it - and he towers above me due to his height! I just smile at him! 

Its interesting that most of the men and women on Dad's side of the family were all built like bears - tall and very well built - the Dutch Jewish heritage of the chuts of Joseph's family: 

Whereas I have a small frame - and small bone structure like the French Romany side of the family - the travelers and I only weight 55 kilo's  - big smiles! Joseph's wife Sarah also had a very small frame -  she was very gypsy looking - and had a cheeky face - many of the children were fond of her:  

As Jesus said to yours truly 'You can do it with Grace' 

I hope you enjoy reading this blog its been a wonderful journey of sharing and expression - as I enjoy writing more than I enjoy reading - in my time of repose of the heart!  

Love beyond measure 

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