
Thursday 2 April 2015

Dignity of the Child

Healers of magnanimous love healing therapies work with soul consciousness - and we know that the soul is born with an identity and this is a perfect example of how parents impact upon the dignity of the child! Its not just about the hair cut either - due to the implement - the shaving - being held by the mother against the child's will while a man cuts the child's hair with a sound that the child doesn't like! 

This is why inner child healing work is essential for everyone - because there will always be something for a person to heal that relates to their childhood: 

In this particular case it impacts on the child's soul and consciousness is sensitive and fragile like a flower that can be easily 'crushed' at such a tender age - the soul energy can and does 'fragment' and that is where the combination of inner child work and soul retrieval healing work comes in to assist with people attaining wholeness: 

While working with clients and colleagues I discovered that if and when people are unable to go deep in the healing work - it is usually due to trust: Hence the healing process can take a long time - until a person is ready to trust the therapist to help the person to access and retrieve what has to be retrieved! 

It is rare to work with a person that cannot go deeply into the healing work - however - I have found with patience and love beyond measure - eventually they are able to do the healing work in complete surrender to their own souls - and the divine guidance that the soul can access - when it is working with the Spirit!

Today was a good day as my x-rays were all clear - after that it was some food for the weekend and while I was at the supermarket I saw a man with 'two sticks' afterwards I also saw two cars - the first car had a number plate with my initials - the car behind it had the number plate with YAH! 

So Yah she's on track and she is going in the right direction - she's going South

The man with 'Two Sticks' reminded me of the dream of the man with 'two sticks' and the Nordic walking that I received prior to the report of the Germanwings plane crash in the Alps! 

Seeing the man with two sticks also got me thinking about 'Dignity' again - and in the dream the man with two sticks was 'angry':

Since a friends 'suicide' that followed what the police did to him - I have often pondered upon the causes - and it was proven that he was innocent of the 'allegations' made against him by the police:

Yesterday my Yah talked about the 'Disgusting' behavior of a few people that were posting on the internet even before I read what they had posted: Another poster wrote 'Its about identity' and I thought yes it is about identity: What the police did to man impacted upon his consciousness of identity of soul - to such an extent that he left the planet! They impacted upon his dignity!

So shall we delve further with the comprehension of 'Disgusting -v- Dignity' as there are cultural differences in the comprehension of both! The academics have done quite a lot of investigation into 'Disgust' and it includes how children respond to it - and also how the brains of politicians responded to looking at what they refer to as 'disgusting' pictures!

The academics came to many different conclusions about the concept of 'Disgust' - however their main conclusion was that 'Disgust' is an 'emotion' - its natural for this therapist to then question the academics and their comprehension of what constitutes an 'emotion' and what differentiates it from 'Feeling' and 'Senses': 

So for instance the child who was having his hair cut became 'emotional' due to what was happening to his 'feelings' and 'senses' what was happening to his dignity and identity! Yes the baby reacted by crying - as it was the only defence the baby had - although that didn't stop the adults from doing what they did! 

Children usually cry for different reasons to adults - for children it can be a defence mechanism - it can also be due to them being 'wet' - 'tired' or 'hungry' so with a small child it is often to do with survival! I was talking to a mother on the bus today - who had two children with her - one of the children was crying to express his power over her  - he was only two years old! Generally - small children don't like shopping: So its a good idea for women to do clothes shopping - when the children can be with their dads - friends or family! 

Turn your hearts to the children 

'Disgusting -v- Dignity' 

Now let us go further - as Yah was referring to the 'Trolls' - it is the 'trolls' that he says have 'Disgusting' behavior! So what dignity does a 'Troll' have - as dignity includes being polite and well-mannered: 

Even when a magistrate is passing judgement - he has to be well-mannered: How would it be if judges had the behavior of the 'trolls' - well as seen on film - some of the judges in Sharia courts do have the behavior of 'trolls' as do some of the Islamic clerics!

So why are some leaders more well-mannered than others - ponder upon it! What happened to those people's dignity - and at what age - is for them to look at !

Then look at the USA - and what it has done as a nation to its own people and its dignity! Ponder upon the dignity of the Native Americans: Ponder upon the dignity of men that built the rail roads and farmed the plantations: Ponder upon what America was built upon - and then you come to understand why some Americans act the way that they do to each other - and people from other nations! 

Only the people themselves can choose to heal it - to heal the communities of a nation! 

I have to admit the word 'disgust' and 'disgusting' are not words that come readily to me - as a majority of the people that I've met in my life have dignity! I don't remember remember mum or dad saying those words either: 

Its clear to me that it is something that Yah wished to be written about due to what academics have also written about it! He always has a multi-purpose for what he says to inspire yours truly; to look deeper at what he is saying and why - in multi-dimensional consciousness: Interesting I remember having this discussion with a friend called David long before he left the planet!

Some people think that healing and liberating dignity is about morale - I don't feel it is - as we can see by what the police did to an innocent man - it was about truth - it was about justice at its finest point! 

The innocence of man with great dignity suffered a huge 'injustice' and that impacted upon his dignity as he had suffered 'injustice' in many previous lifetimes: For him - it must have been a culmination of events that he had experienced - and basically his soul could've said 'I'm not staying on this planet' or 'I'm out of here' 

Life conditions involved in the repercussions of past lifetimes - often include life experience that relates to 'Injustice' - another reason why it is imperative that people heal the past lives: 

As the memories a person brings with them - impacts on their actions in this lifetime: Past life healing can be a wonderful experience when a person engages with a powerful healing facilitator! 

'Injustice' can make peoples view of the world very black and white - that is why spreading the paint was so important in 2012 - spreading the paint brings the color back into your life: 


Another reason why it is crucial for babies and children to have the facility to work with color - as it keeps them in their all things bright and beautiful reality - even if their parents might be in a two tone reality - the children are able to hold onto their sanctity with color - and its array of tender colors and tones! Happy music is also important for children:


I pondered more on the word 'disgust' and why when people come for magnanimous love healing therapies - the clients don't say that word! I also spoke to our past life healing practitioner who has done the most research with the therapy: to see if she had ever heard that word 'disgust' and 'disgusting'  from clients: She did not recall having done so - although she said that she would check through some of her case studies: We then pondered on the possibility that it could be a 20th century word - and what the origins of the word are: 

[C16: from Old French desgouster, from des-dis-1 + gouster to taste, from goust taste, from Latin gustus]

Interesting that 'gustus' can also be found in the name 'Augustus' and 'gust' can be found in 'Augustine of Hippo' that links us back to what happened in Algeria the French were also involved in Algeria:

In 2014 - I shared the videos of the biblical film of what happened with Augustine and he was also known as Saint Austin: He looks very much like someone that I've met!

Jesus spoke about taste to his followers as written in the scriptures - and he also gave a message about the 'taste buds' of some people - that was a decade ago after the Rev 12 timeline had begun: 

The counsel that Jesus gave 'Some have sour taste buds and not a sweet tooth' he was explaining why some people stood against the wondrous woman from heaven in Rev 12 - I found his analogy to be hugely important at the time - as we spreading the love and I was involved in a lot of work with Archangel Michael - now it is brought forward again: 

This time by Yah about those that have 'trolled' yours truly  - some of them for seven years - oh America heal those past lives! 

Does not the ear test words as the tongue tastes food? Job 12:11 For the ear tests words as the tongue tastes food. Job 34:3 How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth! Psalm 119:103

There are linguistic differences - so let's look at the word for 'taste' in the scriptures: 

Hebrew Strongs 2940 


Taste Judgement

Psalm 34

Its about experience and tasting something is an experience

And he said to them, “Truly I tell you, some who are standing here will not taste death before they see that the kingdom of God has come with power.” Mark 9:1 

In the book of Samuel the honey is mentioned again - 1 Samuel 14:43 Then Saul said to Jonathan, “Tell me what you have done.” So Jonathan told him, “I tasted a little honey with the end of my staff. And now I must die!”

That reminds me of the 'Honey and Ghee Conspiracy' because our bodies were made to process food - and not eat processed foods: 

Yours truly discovered that the corporations have been putting ghee from the bull into honey - and the honey is being put into the global food diet of processed foods (in addition to ghee on its own) - and in so doing it is impacting upon the health of the nations! 

So were they putting 'Ghee' in the honey in ancient times - it could be so if we ponder upon what Jonathan said! 

Remember what scripture says about the measure and the weights! Ghee is heavy and another reason that they put the 'fat'  'saturates' into processed foods is that it gives a longer shelf life! 

Another reason why Jesus was sent to defend the poor in ancient times - due to the food that was impacting on the health of the people! No coincidence then that in 2014 - I was compelled to start a new food blog for healing foods and posts that relate to food! 

So what have the Americans been eating that they should behave in such way - perhaps they can concern themselves with the health of their nation - and let me get on with what I was born to do - to deliver the truth as it is God's will to reveal it to me for his purpose! 

Truly - how many people have the panoramic view! 

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