
Sunday 1 March 2015

Vaginal Winds

In recent weeks I have noticed a regular release of wind from the vagina - it feels like a release of water - there is no odor or noise - just the feeling of water and as it leaves the body - you realize that its wind - its quite bizarre as you never know when its coming: It only seems to happen when I am sitting down:
so it could be due to the pelvic floor;

Its quite a pleasant feeling and it feels like the body is releasing - it feels like body communication and a sign of the bodily changes that are taking place:

Its the first time that I've experienced this on a regular daily basis - it must be associated with age; although the on-line research indicate people of all ages are experiencing it to different degrees:

The advice given is get it medically checked out - and I do have a forthcoming appointment with the doctor! 

The advice given is to do some pelvic floor exercises - and that's easy enough to do!

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:25 


More blood tests and now x-ray

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