
Monday 2 March 2015

Professor Tiller and Dr Eric Pearl

Scientist Professor William Tiller gives us some feedback on the work of Dr Eric Pearl: He came to the conclusion 'that nature is restoring itself - it heals the space - it heals our world' 

That is an interesting scientific view - as it is true that healing the space - does happen in spaces eg rooms where healing of people by people is going to happen! The space is made sacred in advance of arrival to teach healing and giving healing - the space is brought to a specific vibrational frequency for the higher vibrations to activate those that come into its presence:

I do not view the finding as innovative as healers have always known it - although it is great to have cutting edge scientific research to support it! Truly healing connections are divine:

To read the white paper about the research - you can visit Professor Tiller's website, click on 'white paper' and then number XI - An Experimental Investigation of Some Reconnective-Healing workshops via a Unique Subtle Energy Detector

Professor Tiller explains it

The date of 1994 when Eric Pearl mentions the information that he began receiving via his patients is also interesting; as is the fact; that he has titled his book 'Solomon Speaks' as the reincarnation of Solomon was on the planet at that time:

Dr Eric Pearl interview

As soon as you share research like this some people immediately respond with the word 'Reiki'

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:25

So what's the latest with Reiki in the UK - it is listed by the National Careers Service - it is being implemented in hospitals and hospices! Particularly with 'cancer' patients - other therapies are also being offered in those hospital environments - and they include aromatherapy - reflexology - and massage:

Dr Eric Pearl's (USA) original discipline is chiropractor - and a limited amount of treatments are also now available on the NHS in England - the life experience of the people and the success of it - won the day and night in health!

It was worth all the effort to defend the house that is built upon the rock of healing love - the incredible foundations of love that cannot be moved from its position: As it was written years ago to the healers - be noble in holiness - be gracious in your giving - and in your merciful hearts - the seat of intelligence-the blessings and miracles are co-created; with the purest of intention and our utmost attention!

As I was responding I could hear the song 'Let it Be' so wonderful - truly a Labyrinth solar eclipse coming on the 20th March - wisdom did indeed provide a return on investment as the prophecies predicted that she would - its great to see the celebration in Camden where she walked!

The verse in Matthew is an interesting one - when you view it in the reality of the love vibration in the context of the the solidness of the love foundation of the rock! Many people pass over due to their health at a young age - Christians included! 

Even Marie Stopes a pioneer in 'birth control' and population science (eugenics) - passed over with 'breast cancer'; The clinics in her name - have been proven to be co-creators of it - as they inserted the 'Copper 7's' that impacted upon many young women; What they inserted into the cervix of women - was provided by an American corporation Searle - that is owned by Monsanto

Some women survived the ordeal inflicted by America onto British women in the UK by those involved in eugenics - and some women didn't! Some live to share the story of what happened - when - how and why! How they even disposed of the medical records of the women:

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:25

The Greek word in that verse is 'Pipto' and it reminds me of a woman that I once knew with the name of Pip - I heard last year that she had passed over suddenly; That is what the meaning of the Greek word means - its like when there is a hurricane in America and all the houses are gone; due to the structures of how they're made:

This is what Jesus was talking about - nothing could beat the true house of Reiki due to its foundation being the rock of love: It is this love that kept us firm in our resolve to help those that were suffering: It is this foundation of love that ensured that we never gave up on our spirituality and its healing disciplines for it has been proven to provide miracles:

It has alway been about love and doing it all for love - that is why Reiki and its healers can stand uprightly in the power of the Spirit of love: The Spirit of love that co-creates miracles; strong in heart and Spirit - for the LORD our God does not judge by appearances - he can see into our hearts - in the same way that his Son does: 

So you can understand then - that it is 'Love -v- Cancer' - for it is only due to the foundation of love that people can arise from it - and not be beaten by it! Jesus did not ask for a house or church to be built in his name - he asked that everyone make sure that their foundation is a foundation of love: 

A love that cannot be moved - a love that lives forevermore in its integrity of heart - maybe if friends and acquaintances had done their Reiki with me - when they were offered the opportunity to do so - they would still be alive today!

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