
Monday 2 March 2015

Paul McCartney Tobacco Dream

When the dream began I was in a room with a man of around 60 - pensioner age - and he was sitting in front of his computer: Although his chair was turned around facing me - he was rolling some tobacco; I went over to him kissed him on the mouth - told him that I was going out:

Then I was sitting down and there were different women - a professional woman on my left and a professional woman on my right: The woman on my left was involved in health - and the woman on my right was also in business associated with health: The woman on my right wasn't happy - and the woman on my left was more optimistic!

I looked at my watch and I spoke to the woman on my left (she looked Latino- although she was quite a distance away - away from me) I said 'we could go out for lunch to discuss it' she replied 'lunch' -  'we can have five glasses of wine':

Then I considered the woman on my right again - and I asked the woman on the left  'would it be alright if I brought her along to the lunch meeting'; I then asked the woman on the right if she would like to come with us for lunch - as both women had mutual interests - and could be involved in the meeting:

After that I was in a hotel reception and Paul McCartney was serving: We had a laugh and a joke - cos he knew that I recognized him - I said 'its OK - I won't ask you for your autograph' - big smiles - he smiled back and he was happy! He asked me what I would like - and I asked him for a small pack of tobacco - I was holding a 20 pound note in my hand - I gave him the note and he didn't give me any change:

So I looked at him - asking for the change - eventually - he gave me to coppers - two pennies: Then at the side of me - was the man that I had kissed in the beginning of the dream - when I asked why there was only two pennies in change - the man on my right showed me that he had a large pouch of tobacco that he had bought with my money!

The upshot was - that I received one quarter - and the man received three quarters worth from the 20 pound note! So the man received three times the amount that the woman received - I was not impressed at all! Not only that - but the man had not asked me if that was OK to do that: So how much money did investors in the tobacco industry make from the sale of tobacco!

After the dream was finished - and I pondered on what this dream was about - I was given the word 'Restitution' so I looked to see what the restitution was about - and restitution is about the law: Its the 'law of gains-based recovery': Restitution is defined by the dictionary as recompense -  restoration to a person's original state that is brought into co-creation by the 'gains-based recovery':

Restitution is made in response to events that have happened in the real world! So it sounds like 'gains-based recovery' is what was going to be discussed at lunch with the two women; due to the fact that man has gained more than women have during their lifetimes: Wasn't it a fact - that a couples pension was paid to the man - and he chose how that money was then divided!

Why Paul McCartney should be in this dream - indicates that it is to do with the UK - as he is an English celebrity from Liverpool that has also been involved in 'politics and food health':

As we know - Linda - his wife had her own food brand of meat-free food - they lived a healthy and clean life on their farm - yet the American photographer (divorcee) still passed over with cancer at a young age: In the previous post I had written about the 'Love -v- Cancer':

Interesting that the dream was also in a hotel - and I wonder if he owns a hotel - and whether this is another link with Mary Seacole who grew up in a healing hotel! Especially as Mary Seacole is also to do with health! There has been a lot going on with the sale of tobacco in the UK - and it has been highly taxed for decades: Just think of the amount of tax that women have paid - on that which they smoked - and what did the men do with that tax! In the bible the leaves are for healing the nations - and as such; there should be no tax at all on tobacco or wine!

The business woman on my left wished to drink five glasses of wine instead of eat lunch - the numeric of five is also to do with physical reality - so real events with a woman that likes a drink! Five glasses of wine is nearly a whole bottle of wine - and as the song is sung 'we've still got plenty of bottle'! There are some women that can drink five glasses of wine - while I drink one! I like to sip my wine and enjoy each drop:

The Dead Sea Scrolls mention the smoking - and so does the bible: Cannabis is being handed out on the NHS - they don't hand out tobacco to go with it - do they!

One could view it that in some cases - 'gain based recovery' is essential due to what the medical profession have done to the people: People require the correct amount of financial help; to ensure that their recovery is thorough!

How can people recover if they can't afford the appropriate healthy food - treatments - supplements etc In the UK 'cancer' patients are receiving reflexology - massage - aromatherapy and reiki - why aren't all patients receiving these magnanimous love healing therapies!

The greater the love that you are - the greater the causes you are given:

So what else do we have on 'Restitution' in the texts: In the book of Samuel - David says that 'the man must make restitution for the lamb fourfold - because he did this thing and had no compassion' -   In Proverbs 6 the man must pay restitution sevenfold - and must give all the substance of his house! Jeremiah 30 also speaks of health and the restoration of the health and healing of Zion:

Yea she deserves the very best that money can buy!


  1. Just took a look at what is going on with Paul - the family home where he lived as a child with his parents has been bought - his mother Mary was a midwife! That makes a lot of sense as the dream was about health and the medical profession:

  2. Paul announces gigs UK 2015

  3. Since this dream 'Sam Simon' passed over the message about the Simpsons USA were given in 2010 after receipt of some visions:

    However - the older man that I saw in this dream was author Sir Terry Pratchett and he passed over on the 12th March 2015 - the 12th March was the 'Day of Vision''
