
Tuesday 3 March 2015

Humility of Man

The humility of man is true of the humility of God - the greater the love that you are - the greater the causes that you are given:

The rain came down, the streams rose, and the winds blew and beat against that house; yet it did not fall, because it had its foundation on the rock. Matthew 7:25

All for love - for love is the only structure worth manifesting your being upon - it is upon the love that people arise awesomely - in the spiritual law of righteousness

There were two men in the most recent dream - and three women - the women were involved in health and healing: Paul McCartney was in the dream and he was in the reception area of a hotel serving behind a counter - the other man - the man in his 60's was sitting in front of the computer! The three women were active in health with the solutions that they were discussing:

In the dream there was the numeric of 20 and the forthcoming solar eclipse is on the 20th of March - the 'Day of Labyrinth' it is written by the scientists that it will be the most powerful solar eclipse since 1999: It was in the years that followed that I met a humble man that had ecological business in Africa prior to him returning to his homeland in Italy: 

He too was a man of humility - a man with a humble heart - a beloved healer - who used to put his hands on his heart

In the most recent dream there was also a numeric of five associated with wine - and wine is to do with the mystics in spiritual symbology: The woman on my left was much more optimistic than the woman on my right - so I decided to bring them both together to discuss what was going to be discussed! 

I have a friend on the Ivory coast - he too is a spiritual man of humility - Joseph - bless your soul and the souls of your family in Africa: 

There have been three dreams in recent months with the numeric of 20 - pre-Christmas being given the 20 squared note and put in my right hand: Then there was the real neighbor that gave me a 20 pound note as a Christmas present to buy some food: In 2015 there was the 20 pound note for the coconut and now 20 pound given to Paul McCartney:

That all adds up 100 and the numeric of a 100 is about the law of giving for Jesus said what you give comes back to 30 - 60 or 100 fold - it truly is the spiritual law that relates to the 'restitution' and the restoration of humanity:

For it is the true givers that have a true foundation that is built upon the rock of love - as Hashem said 'Rock stars sung of you':

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