
Thursday 5 March 2015

Hashem 'Ten are Coming'

While I was cooking this night Hashem spoke and he said 'The ten are coming' in Judaism ten men are required for the minyan: In the book of Luke - chapter 17 - ten men stood at a distance from Jesus - they called out in a loud voice for him to have pity upon them due to the healing that they required:
As I said to a local councillor - 'you don't look underfed to me''

I also had a vision of the Charles Dicken's movie of Oliver - I then pondered upon the child development that I had been involved in for a new research department of Great Ormand Street Children's hospital in London: From birth till age 21! Pre-destined for the children and their future - I was also under Bart's Hospital from age 2-7 - interesting that in 2015 I shall be returning to Barts!

I was very fussy about what I would eat when I was a child - and I have pondered whether the child knew on a soul level; about the food that was available after the land of England had been bombed during the war: Whether the child knew instinctively - what was healthy to eat and what wasn't at that time: For surely the bombing of the UK must have had an impact on the soil and its crops!

That I may declare your praises in the gates of Daughter Zion, and there rejoice in your salvation. Psalm 9:14 Oh, that salvation for Israel would come out of Zion! When the LORD restores his people, let Jacob rejoice and Israel be glad! Psalm 14:7

After the Rev 12 timeline began - the daughter of Jacob received a miracle and in September 2007 the son of Jacob was with me in Jerusalem in 2007: Two different families - one in Israel and another in England! 

The LORD is the strength of his people, a fortress of salvation for his anointed one. Psalm 28:8

May the will of Hashem be done

In the story of Jesus in Luke chapter 17 - ten men were healed - and only one man came back to give praise to him - he asked where are the other nine! In the text it mentions that they were healed by 'faith' on their way to the priests: However if we look at the original translation the word that has been translated as 'faith' is actually 'Pistis' and it is written that the Christian understanding of the word is different to its original meaning in Greek that originates in Greek mythology: I was drawn to Greek mythology when I was child at junior school:

Pistis is a feminine noun and it is about the divine and faithfulness to that which is divine: In Greek spiritual philosophy Pistis is feminine as is Sophia: Hence it is staying true to the feminine attributes and energy - it is holding to the truth firmly - as in holding the vision of healing - holding what is true in your heart of knowing - like holding a person firmly in your heart of love: So does it signify that the men that Jesus was healing in that text were actually Greek or did they simply embrace the feminine aspects of truth:

The text describes the men as 'foreigners' - and a Greek man that received healing from yours truly did return and come to England - as it is indicated in the book of Daniel for the last days of the end times:

What is interesting to me is that Jesus sent those men to the priests - and it is written that they were healed on their way; interesting that after I went to a local church to offer a man healing help for his prostate - the skin disease on my right arm cleared up: There is only a couple of inches left - and now even the scar is healing and the pigment of my skin is returning to its normal color - after I called those in the Church out!

The will of Hashem was done - and the Spirit of his Son was with me every step of the way - with every word that I spoke - and every tear that I shed upon them to purify them! This is my testimony as I promised to give my testimony; just as Jesus predicted that I would do so:

I spread the paint for this mandala earlier in the year and I can see four paddles in the picture - yesterday  I bumped into a lady that used to live close to paddle boats: I had a particular English couple in my heart when I spread the paint of pink and gold:

Yesterday I also bought some more pink salt! I see the four corners - the four directions - I see the golden X - and the pink of love that encompasses it - a lovely cushion!

Jesus gave a prediction that when the 'Son of Man' came - that is a term of endearment for a prophet - that there would be two people on a bed - a man and a woman - and one of them would be taken: That happened in 2010 when Michael who is mentioned in the book of Daniel - was indeed taken:

After that Keith was taken after the lightening struck his boat; and after that David was taken in 2013 - both of those stories were featured in the national press in the UK

Jesus also predicted that there would be two women on a bed - and one would be taken - it was reported in 2014 that happened in the community where I had been sharing:

Is that enough evidence for them - how much more evidence do people require that the words that he spoke are the truth:

Pistis Sophia


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