
Friday 6 March 2015

The MINYAN and Shekinah

Following on from Hashem's message about the ten men that are coming - let us look at it more deeply from a Jewish perspective:

The word 'Minyan' means "count" the smallest congregation that is permitted is made of ten men and this day of the 6th March is the 'Day of Beauty': The Jewish encyclopedia explains that is about survival and it can relate to ten heads of families: Moses appointed chiefs of tens as well as chiefs of fifties - hundreds and thousands:

Ten was the essential number in Judaism and that is why it is written Jesus sent the ten men to the priests: Clearly most of the spiritual Israeli's were pleased when the men arrived at the holy gathering in Israel - whether there were ten men or less I cannot remember - there was at least 22 of us:

At the time I wasn't aware of the significance of the ten men: Were there also ten Jewish men on the temple mount on the second mission to Israel - oh for sure there was:

The link also mentions the reading of the scroll - and there was the reading of the scroll of remembrance that I was given in Israel in May 2006

Paint spread in February 2015 

In the 'Minyan' it states that the mourners are not counted in the ten - and the Prince of Greece mentioned in the book of Daniel - was relieved of his mourning that was impacting on the physical responses of his body!

It mentions a wedding and my hosts invited me to go with them to a wonderful wedding on the Galilee in 2006 - and the young couple were married on the water under a canopy - it was a beautiful wedding:

Northern Israel is truly beautiful - I am so happy that I was able to walk the land of Israel twice in a lifetime - always in my heart - Israel

There were at least ten men in the synagogue in mystical Safed in 2007 - as I stood above them - and they looked up at the presence of the Shekinah

6th March 'Day of Beauty'

Past life in Victorian England - when I moved to the countryside I found myself in antiques and Victorian memorabilia - engravings of children that I collected - and antique canes plus a lot more:

Then decades later - in this new millennium at the end of 2013 - I was given a message to deliver to someone and the message was about a 'cane': The man said that he was able to accept the message - and that the cane had been gifted to him:

In Zechariah 8 it mentions the 'canes' although in some translations it is written as 'staff': The text also mentions 'ten people' and 2015 is an 8 year:

23 This is what the LORD Almighty says: “In those days ten people from all languages and nations will take firm hold of one Jew by the hem of his robe and say, ‘Let us go with you, because we have heard that God is with you.’”

In some translations it is written 'skirt' well most men don't wear skirts do they

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