
Sunday 1 March 2015

Lattice and Daffodils

Front page of google as featured the lattice windows and daffodils - thanks google!

Did your dad lattice the windows of the family home - the RAB did so for good purpose to defend the home: First he did the kitchen - then he did the other glass windows on the ground floor: Daffodils were always in the home at the first smell of Spring the daffodils would arrive - it was a tradition every year - the family member that saw the first daffodils of the year - would bring them home for mum!

They usually appeared in January each year - at school in those days we also had daffodils at school and would watch them grow from bulbs! Children like to watch things grow - it is natural for children to do so - as they learn about the planet on which they live on - naturally: The color of daffodil is bright golden yellow - the color of creativity - its a great sunny color for kitchens and where children are:

The most recent mandala that I did for a young man in England had a yellow and golden centre - in a brown wood surround - it had fertility in his life in the four directions - the mandala was for the blossoming of his creative expression of his creative self - and to seek that which can help his creativity to come to the fore; in whatever way feels right for him: I saw gold leaf in his painting - and I saw working with wood - and nature blossoming with fertility:

His work could be forestry - as I did see the trees in four directions - this is a young man that has to be able to work outside in the fresh air of nature - due to his Aquarian air sun sign - he cannot be inside for too long - his soul yearns for his true creative nature nature to be expressed - and for his love to be liberated from within!

The Wordsworth poem 'Daffodils' read by Jeremy Irons 

The mandala was a birthday gift and I saw the opportunity for the 24 year old to learn new skills this year by attending an evening class of his choice: For him to develop his natural talents - so that he can reach his creative potential and in so doing liberate his love - the greater the love that you are the greater the causes you are given: To investigate his own talents by trying new things - and to stretch his abilities by opening up and walking through new doors - to find himself through his journey of creativity:

He was born on 15th February - and that was the 'Day of Inventiveness' so its important that he has help to bring that forth - and that is why I spread the paint for him - he was happy with the painting that was especially for him! The numeric of 24 is also the numeric of karmic reward and creativity - he is from the generations of Pluto in Scorpio so there is tremendous depth to the young man for him to discover:

The painting had lots of texture - the giver was pleased with it - and so was the receiver:

Walking in the woods what do we find - we find lots of different textures - and different colors - lots of what nature gives to us after the wintertime - in the fields of English repose - we find beautiful nature in our environment - countryside with green pastures:

In the media I also saw the intentions of the British government in recent days - for the 'Brownfield' sites - and how Shariah finance has been introduced to fund over 100000 homes in the UK between now and 2020: That is what they've done and do - they put their energy behind 'Aspiration of owning property' -versus- 'Aspiration of Freedom' - of course we all know what Russell Brand is supporting in this context!

Russell says that Muslims are a minority in East London - and I think - Russell Brand should ponder on why there are more immigrants in London - and why the English are now a minority in the town where they were born! In social media they're talking about Cameron stopping the Christian missionary immigration - as I shared - previously Cameron was calling for Christians to become evangelical like America:

Some evangelical churches have sprung up in the UK - and when the mormons come knocking - they're often young blonde Americans - sweet as they are - they get given some truth to ponder upon!

Christians in the UK have left the churches in droves - as they know what the bible says about the churches!

At the same time the Church of England are calling for a new moral vision - well the moral compass arrived a long time ago on this precious land where they still sing Jerusalem; The hymn that is sung at weddings and funerals in the UK - and did those feet indeed! Another poem - William Blake - and our musicians and children sing 'Let it Be' first they sang the Beatles songs - and now they sing the songs of Labrinth they also sing of the feet on the margin and the hands in the breeze!

On the 7th March there will be one million women marching in London - on the 20th March there will be the solar eclipse and its a 238 = 13 = LOVE in Hebrew - scientists say that this forthcoming solar eclipse will be the most powerful since 1999! That was the year that was - a year of rest and spiritual repose in the sunshine of love in Australia with my teenage son! A year when we reviewed everything in our lives together - so we could move forward together - in the way that was good for us both!

That was the year that my son also started to work with wood naturally - he would find wood and then work with it! 2015 is also a wood sheep year - so lots to do with the farmers in the news! The English farmers are saying that there will be less wheat this year and I feel that there shall be some interesting crop circles this year!

In 2014 during the horse year - Labrinth was celebrating at the stables in Camden - they sure did have a party in North London - and most recently the horse has been seen in the sun again!

The RAB would love that crowd! It looks like this next solar eclipse is going to be the labrinth solar eclipse - rock the stars man - rock the stars - heaven and earth is my witness - and its great to watch the great work of the generations manifest before our very eyes!

We gave everything that we could give to help the nations regain their aspiration for freedom - for as the Son of Joseph used to say 'You were born free!' 'The power is with the people when you are united'

Onwards and upwards

What other commentary do we have for you today - great article from the Telegraph on how Cameron's party is unlikeable - it also gives you and update on what is happening in the polls and possible reasons why to ponder upon! I like her style - witty - creative and straight to the point - she goes right for it - and calls them out on the current co-creation! Labor didn't get a free ticket either - she refers to the Ed's as the cartoon characters!

What also made me smile was that on the same day - A Tory designer company was advertising designer sandals at the high cost of 170 pounds: Yea they have a cross on the sandals - its their logo!

We buy British - but only the rich can afford that kind of money for summer sandals: Even if I was swimming in money - I simply could not justify spending that amount of money on a pair of sandals!

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