
Sunday 22 March 2015

Ryan Past Life and Prophecy

Do you remember the Peter Pan and Ryan prophecy - a Ryan is in the news and it is a wonderful story of a 10 year old child that remembers his past life as an actor dancing with Mae West: 

Hashem also spoke of the 'Actor' in addition to giving the ryan prophecy - so it is great to be able to share this news about the child from Oklahoma that was born into a Baptist family: Americans and other Christians are certainly having their realities challenged by the children - and Isaiah 8 predicted that the children would come:

Ryan has shared his story with a Dr Jim Tucker a highly respected psychiatrist who works with children who remember their past lives:

'The most shocking claim however came when Ryan told Dr. Tucker during a session one day that he wondered why God had him die at 61-years-old only to be reincarnated as a baby.

This seemed to clash with Martin's death report, that stated he was 59 at the time he died.

That is until Dr. Tucker looked through old census reports and discovered that the certificate, and not Ryan, was incorrect.

The certificate claimed Martin was born in 1905 when in fact he had been born in 1903 according to the census.

And so, Martin was likely 61 years old at the time of his death. 

Ryan now says his memories of Martin are starting to fade, and as for Dr. Tucker, he has compiled Ryan's story and other like it in his book Return To Life.' 

Read more:

As prophecy predicts heaven and earth are my witness

Thank you Hashem - thank you for the smile!

I became a past life healer in the 90's and went onto develop and teach a past life healing therapy when I returned from Australia: How amazing life is when you know that your path has been divinely guided with the most important aspects of it; to help humanity to move forward across the new horizons - 

Jesus was also with us on the training courses - and he does like us to work with the magnanimous love healing therapies to help humanity to heal - so that love can be liberated: It would be wonderful to return to teaching - and sharing this wonderful healing art - so that there can be more practitioners of it: 

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