
Monday 23 March 2015

Lecture of Life

What to do with people that are still talking about 'lesson's': 

There are no lessons in the university of life - you are not at school on planet earth - however - you do get an opportunity to go to the lectures if you put the effort into engage and attend! 

What you then do with that information then impacts on your future experiences - the past creates the present - the present creates the future! 

The present can also heal the past when people are willing to put the effort in to do that - then the present impacts on the future in a positive way! 

We know on a heath level that 85% of what happens in your life is freewill and 15% is pre-determined by you predestination and it is proven; the medics are fully aware of the 85% - its the other 15% that they seek to comprehend: 

The choices you made due to past life experiences: 

Until the time comes when there is complete surrender to the soul's incarnation and what it has come to achieve and do: Now that is when life becomes really fulfilling - when you have found your true purpose for being and you find out who you are! Who you really are!

Would you take a chance on saving a life - would you lay down your own life to help someone else - even a dog will jump into a river to save a child or its owner: Yet what compassion does man have - if man isn't even willing to do what a dog is prepared to do - in being man's best friend! 

Jesus is like that dog that jumps in to save the love - he's like the dog that is willing to lick the wounds of lazarus - to make him all better again - Mary licked the wounds of Jesus - she washed his feet with her tears and hair - she went that extra mile for love! 

For an elder sometimes it feels like you've walked a million miles - and that it is time to look after the dog that took care of you: In my life there was a divine dog that came to lick me all over - how preciously divine it was to experience! 

There was another dog that came to say 'I love you' and he came to my doorstep - simple but treasured memories:

While bathing yesterday Jesus spoke to me and he said 

'You are wiser now than before you went to Greece' 

Yea - its been quite a journey!

Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; 
teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.

Proverbs 9:9


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