
Tuesday 24 March 2015

C3:Q34 Solar Eclipse Prophecy

The recent powerful solar eclipse energies have been powerful and while looking at prophecy on the 'Cow and Two Goats' In that day, a person will keep alive a young cow and two goats Isaiah 7:21 that then led to this prophecy from Nostradamus on the timeline: 


Quand le deffaut du Soleil lors sera
Sur le plein iour le monstre sera veu:
Tout autrement on l'interpretera,
Cherte' n'a garde nul n'y aura pourueu.

When the eclipse of the Sun will then be,
In broad daylight the monster will be seen
Everyone will differ on the interpretation,
High price unguarded: none will have prepared.

Interesting that there was a fireball over Loch Ness in Scotland - and people who paid a high price to see the solar eclipse happening were asking for their money back from the tour operators! 

At the same time in the lead up to the eclipse there was all the goings on about the whereabouts of Putin who just happens to have been born in the 'Chinese Year of the Dragon': His sun sign is Libra - the scales of justice and his ascendent and Venus is in Scorpio:

2015 being the 'Chinese Year of the Goat' brings the prophecy about the 'Cow and Two Goats' into focus and it is also links into finances and Matthew 20:15 when Jesus speaks about money and being generous: Psalm 68 mentions the bulls - calves and silver bars - it also mentions scattering those that delight in war! 

And Nostradamus predicted that none will have prepared for the high price unguarded - eg the high cost of what has transpired! I can see the importance of the healing foods and foods for healing in this timeline 

I can see the importance of the 'young cow and two goats' for the milk and cheese that they give and goats milk is more healthy for people than cows milk - especially for people in hot countries: 

That is another reason why they tend not to eat Pork in the Middle East because pork meat turns in the stomach in the heat and humidity! 

I will ponder more on the 'Cow and Two Goats' prophecy -  and if I receive any further insights on it - I will update this post! I have a nice painting to go with this post from last year - I apologize again for no full stops on my keyboard - I shall get it sorted  - although it will probably mean I will be away from being on-line for a week or so - as the computer as to go to hospital! 

Last but not least - Jesus spoke of 'Sanscrit' and showed me a vision of what looked like buttered mashed swede! Although it could have been squash - both vegetables are incredibly healthy and defend the body: In the unfolding - it unveiled the impact of 'fats' and 'saturated' that are in processed foods - it unveiled the fact that fat from bulls is being widely distributed in the food that everyone is eating: 

Do you know what is in every carton -  jar - tin and bottle of food - make sure that you look at the labels of everything - due to the fact that ghee is being put in honey and ghee is being widely used in massive amounts of processed foods: Apparently - the ghee makes food more stable and in so doing gives food a longer shelf life ! 

However - I think that you will find that the Asian metabolism is different to the Western metabolism and I will make a different post on the ghee story and conspiracy! Its one thing to cook with ghee if and when a nation or culture does so knowingly - it is quite something else to find out that it is in so much of the global diet! 

With processed foods - has come the huge rise in different diseases - the body was made to process food and not eat processed foods: Hence the corporations are hugely responsible for what has happened to the health of the people of our different cultures: Ghee is also put in medicine as well - how many people know that! 

It was around 2007 time when an Austrian nurse shared with me that there had been a huge rise in 'intestinal cancers' - stomach and colon and you can be sure that ghee is being used in cereals as well as everything else! 

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