
Wednesday 25 March 2015


I went to bed to rest and I was fully awake when Jesus spoke to me - he was so close - as if he was laying next to me and he said gently 'You can do it with Grace' and then I dozed off to sleep:

During sleep state I had two different dreams in the first dream I was being given some food and the next dream a man was getting of a bus: The man was tall with a slim build - he had dark hair and eyes with some facial hair - he was walking towards me with two sticks and he was very 'angry' and shouting - the manner of his communication was 'intimidating' and then the dream ended:  The man looked like he had some disablement due to the two sticks that he was walking with - however there is also Nordic Walking where they walk with two sticks for exercise:  

Walking with two sticks in the manner of Nordic Walking can help people to restore mobility - and improve endurance - strength and posture - joint health and bone density: Two sticks can also be found in massage and martial artists sometimes work with two sticks! 

In dream interpretation to meet a man that is 'angry' can be a dream of contrary and it a person shows 'animosity' towards you - then it is asking you to look at the reason that this could be the case - and that you might have to rethink the situation! Hence Jesus said 'You can do it with Grace'  

Also in dream interpretation if a person 'insulted' you then that an also be a dream of contrary and it is a classic omen! It signifies loyalty from your friends and or esteem from your associates - Jesus is certainly loyal to yours truly:

The dream wasn't just about how the man communicated due to the sticks being such an important aspect of the dream and the bus indicated that he had travelled to get to his destination to meet me: Two sticks can also be found in biblical prophecy and it is in the Prophet Ezekiel prophecies: 

In the prophecy one stick is for Judah and the other stick is for Joseph -  the two sticks become one in the hand of Ezekiel - Ezekiel 37:16 The Cherubs also have two faces Ezekiel 41:8 I used to collect cherubs many years ago - now I only have the golden one that my mother gave me:

In the boundaries of the LORD there are two portions for Joseph - Ezekiel 47:13 

Then after I had shared the different aspects of the dream and the message from Jesus - I found this song called 'Grace by Jim McCann' there we have two of the words that Jesus spoke - 'Grace and Can' - 'You can do it with Grace'

In Hebrew the word for 'Grace' means 'favor'  and the word 'Chen' comes from the root 'Channan'  in Greek it is 'Charis' and the word charis can be found in the words about Jesus dancing in the middle while he was surrounded by the Apostles: 

I just remembered also when I woke up Hashem spoke to me in Hebrew - and he said 'Makkah Shalom' the word 'Makkah' can mean 'wound' and shalom is usually translated as peace - although it it really means 'wholeness' and 'completeness':

The man in the dream was definitely wounded - and there is a biblical prophecy that the LORD will save the lame! 

However - I also consider this to be a dream of warning and that Hashem is preparing me in advance! 

That then reminds me of the story of what happened to the Jewish children in America and all of the seven children died in a fire - their dad referred to it as a 'slaughter' and the word 'Makkah' can also mean slaughter: I responded to the poster that the LORD did not ask for sacrifice - he asked for mercy!


  1. Then there was the news of the plane that we've been discussing - and also Saudi -v- Yemen! On the plane they're saying that what happened to the plane is 'inexplicable' and remains a 'mystery'! Due to receiving this dream that includes the Nordic indication - the fact that the man had two sticks - one could represent the 'pilot' and the other could represent the 'co-pilot': Hence he had two sticks!

    Don't you think it strange - that they haven't provided the full name of the pilot or a photograph of him! Is it normal for a 28 year old to live with his parents and have flat somewhere else! Some say he had a girlfriend - can they produce her to give evidence on the nature of the man!

    In my dream the man got off a bus - and the plane was an AIRBUS - prior to that I had a dream about food and food is usually given to people on a plane!

    This dream was indeed a warning dream - although the man got off the bus that delivered him:

  2. The Irish song was posted - and the news reports say that first name of the pilot was 'Patrick'

  3. On the 12th March I also had a dream of 'Two Men'
