
Friday 27 March 2015

Germanwings Plane

What can I say about the recently reported plane - if I bear in mind the blog posts of the dreams received this year and in the month of March and a total solar eclipse of the heart!

In January 2015 - there was a dream of serving a Tomato Drink' and the co-pilot of the plane was a steward previously - so yes he would have served drinks!

There was a dream of 'Two Men' then after that the dream of the man with 'Two Sticks' and the blog post mentioned Nordic Walking - giving us an alps location - with Lufthansa - business and the media communication involvement! As soon as the announcement was made I asked about the navigation equipment!

12th March - 'TWO MEN Dream'

His daddy worked in the bank and his mother played the organ - it is written that the co-pilot was having medical treatment - and he appears to have been having more than one relationship: There has been a mention of a girlfriend and a boyfriend in the news reports!

So the nickname 'Tomato Andi' - visitors to this blog may remember the dream that I had about serving a tomato drink - and yes he was a steward before he was a co-pilot - he particularly liked  - San Francisco

24th March 'TWO (Nordic) STICKS Dream 

However - I still haven't come to a final conclusion about it - apart from the fact to say - Don't let it happen again:

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