
Friday 27 March 2015

Man's Initiative Dream

I had a dream of a man taking the initiative - he had to make a choice between two women and after he finally made his choice - he was so happy! The man who was a like a big cuddly teddy bear with long hair and facial hair - came over to me and grabbed me in his arms and he said 'I'm going to marry you': I smiled - as he didn't ask me - he was so sure of himself that he just told me - that was what was going to happen! Then he kept cuddling me and it was lovely: When you start having dreams about romance you know for sure that Spring has arrived in your life! 
I would say that the man was in his mid to late 40's  so what is happening on the planet is certainly impacting on that generation now - as they decide what they're going to do with their futures and who they would like to spend time with: A lot of choices are being made by the men - not just about what is right for them - but what is right for humanity and its future!

In dream interpretation if you dreamed of receiving a proposal - for a woman it can predict great popularity with the opposite sex: For a man it is a warning dream not to let his financial success go to his head - as one cannot live by bread alone!

It was a great cuddle - so thank you -  I really enjoyed it!

I did wonder if the dream was something to do with the planets and just as I was about to write that - my mobile phone went off with loud music - and it was about PPI again! So I pressed 9:

'Instruct the wise and they will be wiser still; teach the righteous and they will add to their learning.'
Proverbs 9:9 As Jesus said 'You are wiser now then you were before you went to Greece'

So what is Venus and Mars up to: Venus and Mars join Gemini and Cancer in March 2015 -

'The Zodiac (arc of the planets, Sun and Moon) hosts the cosmic crab of Cancer and Earth's most famous twin brothers throughout March 2015. Jupiter rules the southeastern sky. Saturn rises after midnight.'

NASA's Curiosity rover finds fatty acids on Mars
25 March 2015

IS there lard on Mars? NASA's Curiosity Rover has detected what may be a fatty acid molecule in the soil of the Red Planet, although it is not clear whether it is biological in origin.

The find was presented by David Glavin, who works on the rover's SAM instrument, at the Lunar and Planetary Science Conference in The Woodlands, Texas, last week.

SAM analyses gases released by heating samples of rock, and the results are interpreted by matching the data to compounds analysed on Earth.

One SAM reading seems to relate to a type of fatty acid molecule. These are important for life because organisms use them to build cell membranes, but they could have a non-biological origin.

Unexplained warm layer discovered in Venus' atmosphere

March 25, 2015
Source: Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology


Scientists have found a warm layer in Venus' atmosphere, the nature of which is still unknown. The researchers made the discovery when compiling a temperature map of the upper atmosphere on the planet's night side based on the data collected by the Venus Express probe.

Now he didn't give this High Priestess a choice - and that made me laugh! Maybe he had an order from Melchizedek! M gets involved in the most important 'Initiatives' due to him being the in charge of inter-galatic operations; and the forthcoming TOTAL Lunar Eclipse is on the 4th April and it is the 'Day of Initiative' in the week of 'The STAR'

So we have the taking of initiative total lunar eclipse for Melchiedek missions and projects! I tell you what - when Melchizedek gives you an order - you do as you are told with that giant:

When you see him sitting on his golden throne - with gigantic light beings with him - huge planetary light that is all powerful!

Today I read there has been some electricity issues in most of Holland - and tomorrow is a dear friends birthday on the 28th - he will be 26 bless him: He is an Aries 1 - a RAM born on the 'Day of Innocence' in the week of 'The Child' - he is dynamic and spontaneous - and speaks frankly - and to the point: That reminds me of the 'Cow and two goats' prophecy shared on the blog recently:

The forthcoming lunar eclipse is linking into the eclipses from 2003-2004 and 2003 was the first engagement with God - onwards and upwards with the journey everyone!

Love beyond measure everyone 

The 27th is the 'Day of the Originator' 

and I think that my parents wedding anniversary is also on the 28th!

The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes!

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