
Saturday 21 March 2015


Before rest I asked for direction with my health and when I woke up I was given the word 'Sanscrit' the gentle words of Jesus - and I was shown a vision of what looked like the vegetable 'buttered Swede' although it could also be squash - so I am still with the foods for healing and I will get some swede to eat for my health and healing: 

Then after that I popped into the social network - and responded in this way to a person's revelation about themselves - what they admitted to - what they confessed to - had been impacted upon by an Indian concept - so this mornings message about 'Sanscrit' certainly pointed me in a direction to a poster -  that had to be responded to in harmonic concordance with the healing process:

The total eclipse energies have been powerful in the Piscean Christ energies and it is an eclipse of the heart that is fully aware that love as Jesus loved - is a perfect example of what a man can be and become:

This eclipse is touching those that can be touched with his powerful awareness that is essential for breakthroughs and the liberation of love that you hold within yourselves:

Its interesting that during the eclipse Genesis was mentioned - and so was Abraham that is also mentioned in relation to the Lazarus story and the outside influences that impacted upon him and his health! 


It is clear to me that Lazarus was a follower of Jesus and he did his utmost to fulfill what Jesus was asking - and for that he suffered to the extent that he did: Sometimes people get to the point of suffering that Lazarus did - and when you do on a health level: you simply have to surrender to the divine and let the divine carry you on the journey - with the constant divine guidance to alleviate what you are experiencing: 

Lazarus was indeed given healing and then taken up into a different reality - and I still maintain that everything as a reason and purpose for being - although there are times when our endurance is pushed beyond its limits - to ensure that the surrender happens in a different reality than previously! 

On the spiritual life journey and rite of passage - there is surrender many times in different realities - and if you have good foundations on the rock of love to stand upon - if you have defended your light of hope within: 

If you have done your utmost to remain positive - at the same time as allowing yourself to see your own vulnerabilities; if you have done your best to be honest with yourself and others - if you have been true to yourself and to others - if you have loved beyond measure - divine love is always present and standing by to raise you up: 

The divine love that feeds the soul in those quiet moments before rest and on waking - the divine love that is ever present if you are open to receive its messages and outpouring - and just be with it: A love that is gentle yet all encompassing - a love that is ever-supportive - encouraging and reassuring that you really can do it - and you will overcome:

You've done it before and you can do it again - although this time it is different - a different reality and one that you haven't experienced before: A reality that few comprehend because only you have lived your life and had your experiences of that life - and what it meant to you in all of its realms of being: 

In different countries and nations there are different things to overcome and it is the same in life - in different ages and generations we are faced with different challenges to overcome and in so doing - courage is strengthened - hope is renewed and faithfulness to the divine becomes stronger in its wisdom that it has to offer humanity:

The man had written of a concept that has impacted largely on Western thinkers - why the Indian concept was ever allowed to penetrate Western society in such a powerful way without thorough examination is bizarre to me: As I was one to question everything that came from somewhere else - especially if it came from a different country and culture's spiritual philosophy! 

Then I hear people speak of Jungian philosophy and yet again - his thought and most of his conclusions - were based upon what he sourced from ancient texts - Carl Jung did not reinvent the wheel - although he liked to come up with new names for it - that would appeal to modern academic minds:

I agree with some of his conclusions and not others - how and where I differ with Jung is based upon experience of realities that he did his utmost to try to understand to get underneath it - so that he could raise it into a different reality that 20th century academic brains would or could accept! 

His comprehension of the soul was more advanced than most of his peers - and Carl Jung did have spiritual experiences - he did experience divine intervention in his life - and that is proven by the book that he asked to be published after he passed over:

Just as Lazarus - based upon the experience - the gnosis - you know - you've been there - and yet - the story shows us combined with experience that there is still the light of hope - there is still healing that you have always known: There is still love that gets us through everything - there is still the divine that love us so - a love that is so pure - what could possibly compare - for there is no comparison once it has been experienced:

People like Jung - even today - are trained to work in 'detachment' from the people that they work with - my life and work was different - I was always very much involved - and had my whole heart of love was being in whatever I did - whether that was in relationship - in community or working with a child or adult client 

I put my whole heart into whatever my focus was in the moment - and in that singleness of heart of love - miracles were made possible in its purest intention:

So what does this say to you and how can it help you - if you allow it to do so - Jesus asked for help - even Jesus couldn't do it all on his own - he had helpers both human and divine - and that is why he loves to help us - that have helped him - to bring forth the kingdom of love - that shines as bright as the sun:

What is a master - a master of your realities - a master that has the humility to look back in hindsight and be in the present - to look forward - onwards and upwards! 

To remember what you achieved without realizing that you were achieving it - for its outcome had no concern for you! It was the doing that was important - the giving that was crucial - and essential for the heart!

One of the first things I taught my students was to have 'no expectations' - not because they could have less but they could have more than they ever thought was possible - not in a material sense - not in a person sense as you have described - but in their spiritual life - miracles manifest - in a way that God chooses to provide it! 

So sometimes you are not told how or when it will manifest - as he likes us to keep the wonder that we had as children - to remind us always - to hold that joy of wonderful innocence forevermore:

That is why we help people to return to innocence - so that they can reclaim their joy and wonder - and in so doing - their spiritual lives and its virtues: 

I read your words and pondered on what you had written deeply - I knew immediately that they were the words of a soul that was speaking through the human self about a human life: Yet - it is your soul that has been calling out for the purification - it is your soul that is impacting on your humanness - it is your past lives of being someone important that is impacting on this lifetime - it is your soul journey to overcome what you came to overcome - and it clearly relates to a past life in India! 

So please accept this with my love - care - compassion - peace and mercy - may your heart be truly open - and may you give your all for love:

With every purification we liberate the love and sometimes we have to liberate it many times - just like the circumcision of the Spirit can happen many times during a timeline! 

So yes there is a place in the wall that you can climb through - just like climbing through a window - there is a place in the wall that is made for serving food - there is an opening that you have seen - there is a place for everyone - just as there is a seat for every musician in the symphony orchestra! 

A seat that exists especially for you and only you - as Jesus said to yours truly - 'Never forget who you are' and there are times when we ask ourselves can I live up to who I am - and have been chosen to be:

With divine help to retain our humility no matter how strong we become - being noble in holiness ensures that divine help ensures; that we are kept in a way that Hashem has ordained for us to be kept in our sanctity with him: 

Once you truly know his sanctuary - you can never leave it - not for anything or anyone - for his love is supreme - and through his Son he enlivens his Spirit of love magnanimously! Today - the 21st March is the 'Day of Clarity' and this song from Phil Collins - 'Two Hearts' is a great one to go with this blog post - enjoy!

Always remember that the gospel of Philip was about perfection 

1 comment:

  1. Few people set out on life with a dream - many start out in life with an ideal of what they think they would like their life to be:

    When we are very young - it is often the case that our parents had a bearing on what those ideals were and became - because children learn what they live: In most cases our parents were our gauge - our measure of what was good and beautiful about life: Just like singing a hymn in school - all things bright and beautiful with all our hearts!

    Then one day you find out that life actually isn't like your parents - your school - their ideal or yours - then people adapt to what is possible - and decisions are made about what is most important in life:

    Its often the time to choose and decide on a priority - at that point in your life - what you make your priority will impact on many years to come - there is no turning the clock back - once the decision is made!

    That is why when my own son arrived at the crossroads of his life - I did my utmost to show him how to navigate that decision making process - to enable him to make the wisest decision for himself:

    When you are young it is very easy to just allow life to lead where it does - and years can go by before people really address it:

    What is important is purpose - what is your purpose - why did you come to this planet - what did you come to do: I find that young people that have been on that journey - are far better qualified to navigate the eventualities in their lives - they make better life choices - they meet more suitable and compatible partners - they are more fulfilled than many of the people in the same age range: Of course they are spiritual and have taken the healing path - not necessary as a full-time career but as an integral part of living life; it was a lifestyle choice:

    A lifestyle that is fluid in its adaptability to a world that is changing fast - at the same time - they're able to live their virtues in its purest essence and that than impacts on everyone that their love touches:

    It is easy to be critical of self - and I feel that young people today are being pressured too much to be critical of self - I didn't ask my students to be critics of themselves - most people spend most of their lives being critical of themselves:

    I simply asked them to be in - and soak up the love: The more love that you allow yourself to be - the more of your purest essence comes to the fore - and as it does so - societies norms simply do not matter anymore - for you are being yourself and true to the love that you were born to be:

    With much love to you and your journey

    Lotus Feet
