
Wednesday 11 February 2015

Women's Calling Vision

While bathing I was getting ready for contemplation with the LORD and all of a sudden I could hear voices of women in front of me - the voices were about four feet in front of me. 

Women were on the phone and sharing information - and the loudest words that I could hear as I was listening and watching them was 'BAD MEN' this is what they were discussing - the men. The voices of the women were Western - well-spoken - they were from different ethnicities.

There is going to be major exposures about men in the medical and dental professions - in fact - throughout society - no stone will be left unturned. It is going to be women that are going to expose the men. Those that are giving the best care to whom - and whom they are not. Those that care fully for humanity and those that do not. What they're doing to the mind - body and souls of humanity. 

What some men are doing to the people knowingly - and it will also ripple through the scientific community. What is coming to light and being revealed will seriously shock humanity. Jeremiah 17.

The women have seriously had enough of the men that are leading humanity down a path - that they can see is saving some - and not others purposefully. How some of those men are impacting upon people and the choices that they are making for themselves in co-creation.

Intelligent women in the professions are on to it - and will make an important contribution to the 'emotive social evolution' of humanity. Some of the women are like a 'band of survivors' that have an important story to tell and it can open the eyes of the people. 

Women have been discussing it for a long time - now it begins. You could say that it is the time of the wise Virgins as per the parable of their lives. Being strong and humble hearted at the same time as being powerful in the Spirit as the LORD is watching over humanity and its progress. 

The women that I saw were in the 30-40 age range and it will be interesting to watch at how humanity is shocked by their actions for the pure intention of raising humanity up. They are empowered women that have the support of the veterans of life - yet they are strong in their own right. So it will be interesting to watch it all unfold. 

A lot of people will be leaving the professions that they trained in. It will also impact on business and the political arena. For how can it be allowed to continue whereby a few business men - can impact so greatly on the choices of how the taxes of the majority are spent. And whom those taxes of the community purse are given to and spent on. So instance; the members of the chambers of commerce in England have decided that thy wish to stay in the EU. 

Do you have any idea how much that costs the people in the UK and how the EU spend that money. I've seen how a huge amount of EU money was spent in Spain - and I was not impressed by the sheer amount of money that had been invested - in a project that the children had no interest in getting involved with. The Spanish children simply did not wish to train to be goat herders and cheese makers.

Jesus also warned the men about exalting themselves above women. Many of those men were given numerous opportunities to listen and put things right. Remember what he said to the Apostles about the feminine that he honored graciously - mercifully and compassionately.

The empowered women are fully awake - and it is seriously the right time for the realignment and readjustment of humanity accordingly. Of course it will be a shock for humanity - and many people will be impacted upon. 

I think its all very positive - like when Mary Seacole saved the men from the injuries that they got during the Crimean war - and when Belle made a considerable contribution to 'stopping slavery'. How Mary helped Jesus with his healing that he required. 

My feeling is that it will unfold and it is like petals leaving a flower. 

It also reminds me of the 'last judgement' fresco in the Vatican an under Jonah the prophet on the throne with the whale - everything below it goes through 'structure smashing' and that includes the religions and medical profession. I remember Jesus speaking of it in terms of 'deconstruction'. 

Mother Mary also spoke about new ecological and self-sustainable cities would be built - when the Lions of Judah reared up. Since that message was received we've seen some awesome progress with one million women marches in England protesting 'violence' against women and children. The next march for freedom is on the 7th March - the week of the anniversary of the Sophia gateway wisdom opening. 

They're not just marching and talking about it either. They're getting on with it - and implementing non-government projects in the communities - to help to empower more women to take their power back. 

The greater the love that you are - the greater the causes.  

The wise Virgins the parable of their lives and really making a difference. Their life experience counts - so onwards and upwards sisters. Do you remember the fable of the tortoise and the hare. How the tortoise carried her home on her back. How the world turtle of conservation clears up the skies. Yes - she also works in aviation of the heavens and in all of its aspects. 

Patience beyond measure she has been through the ages - when you bear in mind that every time that she rose up she was burnt at the stake or drowned. Not this time - its a critical mass awakening.


What's interesting is that in the prophecies it says that the LORD would save the lame. Now it is really rare to meet a male reflexologist - why is that so. What is it about men and feet - and Mary worked on the feet of Jesus with the oils.

How do men view massaging the feet and ponder upon why Jesus had the humility to wash their feet. Wasn't he himself showing them the sheer importance of their feet so that they would honor the feet of others.

Was he indeed trying to show the men - that reflexology is very important for the health of the nations due to the prophecy about it.

Was he asking the men to humble themselves - so that they could learn and develop the skills and talents that woman were using to help the people. In so doing the men could have equality with that which Jesus chose to exalt and honor. 

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