
Tuesday 10 February 2015

Seat of Judgement

Jesus is hot for this video and the judgement began in 2010 when the whale turned up in Israeli waters. 

Just as he predicted that it would be - the sign of Jonah that they would see. A lot happened after that  including the 5 million trees burning down on Mount Carmel at Jewish Nw Year - the Mt of Elijah and the chariot of the fire of judgement. In recent days we've also been looking at Amos 7 as URIEL had brought Isaac before the throne of judgment - it also relates to what is happening on the planet. 

This video of final judgment is really highlighting the American church - and what it became in his name.  A person that goes by the name of 'Isabella' was also brought before this seat of judgement. 

I responded that mercy would be the measure - and that I would consult with the LORD in the same way that Jesus consulted with our heavenly Father. 

a scepter of justice will be the scepter of your kingdom. Psalm 45:6 The Scepter - that was a day of receiving that was. 

David Cameron said that the church in England should be more evangelical. When in fact the true followers of the Son of God were warned not to build upon his foundations with building materials e.g. 'no religious buildings' in his name. That is why there are 'no religious' buildings in the prophecies about New Jerusalem - the holy city of enlightenment.

The video mentions seeing Jesus and how you have to have a glorified mind and body to be able to do so. I can confirm that is true - for when he comes into your presence the power of it is beyond measure. 

There were many witnesses of people that saw him in my presence - there were also people that listened to the testimony of what the people experienced in our presence.

He chose to give the hot heat of his love for the presentation above - and I honor his choices as pre-destined to do. And those he predestinated  - he also called; and those he called - he also justified; those he justified - he also glorified. Romans 8:30 

When I was first called he said 'you have been chosen for your integrity' - at that time - I had no idea what was going to follow afterwards. 

However - it all unfolded before me including the one that became 1000 when he was brought to wisdom for help. And the great blessing of David Green - that blessed my life with his love and support. The man that became UK's team leader and eco-warrior of self-sustainability.

God bless his soul and today is the 'Day of Acclaim'.

In the presentation it mentions the book of remembrance when in fact - it is the scroll of remembrance that was given to yours truly in Israel in May 2006. Written in the records of Israel for the spiritual freedom of humanity. 

Its wonderful to see - the one million women's march in England is happening again - on the 7th of March. One million women rising - as Jesus said in 2011 - 'We are moving into awesomeness'. 

The 7th of March is the 'Day of Structure'. I read of a passing today - so not much more from me for now. I have to attend - to what has to be attended to - and there is lots to do in the repose of the heart of England.

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