
Monday 9 February 2015

Sirius Saturn Returners

When people go through their Saturn Return it can be a most difficult time in their lives. What happens in your life in the first return can impact on the choices that you make until the second return. How you choose to process the returns co-creates life conditions that can impact on you and others in the short - medium and long term. So it is incredibly important to make wise choices during powerful transitions of life. 

And if you - and any of your children went through your Saturn Returns together - how well did you do together. How about your friends - did your friends survive the saturn return. How well did your friends do in their return. I find it interesting who survived it - and who left it. What did you choose to leave behind. What I can tell you is that only friends that are true and live in integrity survive it - also those that are a few years younger tend to fare better until they reach their own time of return. If you and your child come through it stronger together - then you've done a great job. The same with your closest friendships - work colleagues and partners. 

In my life the dog licked it - and it wasn't just a dream. During my return I reconnected with a colleague and we discussed the dog that I saw in the experience that I had. Also lovely that my son is a Sirius Aquarian dog. 
Truly heaven sent! A bright and blazing star of light.


It is certainly a testing time of integration of responsibility - and taking responsibility for choices made in co-creation. How those choices impacted upon your life. It is often the case that if there is any residues left from the timeline of the first return on a physical level. Life conditions can manifest similar life conditions to encourage you to look at those memories on a physical level - memories that are impacting upon your cellular structure.For the children it is often the case where they have to review their co-creation and take responsibility for it. In my humble view - it is an opportunity for the boy to become a man and the girl to become a woman. Hence it is a major initiation whether they pass with flying colors.
Its also interesting when you bear in mind that a child's brain isn't fully grown and developed until the age of 25 and then within just a few years afterwards - they go through their first saturn return. Its as if - it is at that stage - people are being called to examine and heal the previous life experience since being in the womb.

The various initiations that they've gone through unknowingly. Yet the ancients and the natives used to teach the children about it. From their own life experience of it in self-disclosure - and the oral teachings. Hence the natives were far more evolved spiritually - due to having a greater appreciation of life in different realities.

If the children don't recognise it - and heal it on their first return. Life attracts life conditions that keep on knocking them down again until they do heal it.  Every time they get up - they get knocked down again - until they integrate what has to be integrated for improvement of their lives and well-being. 

Its interesting to note that is often the time when relationships part company - and when divorces often happen. Due to the difficulties experienced. It requires two strong minded and hearted people to come through it together. So it is also a time when new people can arrive in your life - in a supportive way.

That is another reason why it is best not to be with a partner that is the same age as you. Due to the powerful impact of the initiations in life.  Few relationships survive it - due to the planetary configurations in the birth charts that are not always compatible. Same with friendships.

Hence you also see a lot of divorces happen in the second return - as well as the first. People review their life choices - their memories - and decide what they wish to do with the rest of their lives and who with.

In my experience of it - during the return - it is a time when the planets are having their most impact on you - and your life that is pre-destined. So for instance if there was an issue with cars in your first return -  another issue with cars will come up in your second return. Although it can manifest in different ways. On a spiritual level it can be the toughest phase of your spiritual life - and it is very serious indeed.

It is a time of rebalancing and realignment with the journey of your soul that your soul chose pre-destination. It is often the time of a house move or move of location. It can impact on careers and relationships.

It can be like going through a tunnel through the river - drive straight and in integrity. Always remember that you came from day light prior to entering the tunnel and there is daylight at the end of the tunnel. Remember what it cost you to drive through the tunnel through the river. 

There is always a blazing Sirius star to shine the brightest light of the staightway - its important that people look at that star or for that star in their lives - when they pay the toll for the journey that they've been on.

Listening to healthy music - music of the love vibration is important while driving through it. Meditation and healing is also excellent and whatever brings you peace - although don't meditate while driving. Keep your Spirits as high as you can - during the initiation that is limiting your expansion - until you reach the other side of it.

There are also lights in front of you that help you to see the way - and your lights help those behind you to see their way through it. Your path is lit up if you have the eyes to see it. The responsibility that offers and its opportunities that can last a lifetime. 

It brings forth many issues that can include sexuality - and what people are doing with their bodies. Its when a person begins to think about their defence mechanisms and how to utilize them wisely. The food that you eat - and what you consume is also brought forth for consideration.

It brings forth review of life conditions and what energies are healthy for you and what are not. What is positive in your life and what is not. What brings you peace and what does not. It is a time of major choices and for people to choose wisely.  It is often a time when people step back from parental energy - and really think for themselves in their individuality and uniqueness. Allowing themselves to manifest their best qualities for those that they love - if it is a lone parent - that love can be the love that they have for their child or children.

Its a time when people really find out who they are - as people. In that respect it is a good time for those that are willing to do the self-reflection and spiritual self-development that manifests in different ways. It is a time to see your strengths and work on any weaknesses or areas where a person has allowed their energy to be impacted upon by others. This is particularly relevant in the first return - the responsibility of life choices. 

So for instance: 

The single parent mum had to change her life accordingly. She had to leave full self-employment and go back to work in employment and run her business part-time. The mum moved locations appropriate for the schooling for her child - after considering the child's education deeply and taking all the advice on board. The decision was made and then action was taken. Action that would impact on her life for many years to come. 


I am an Aquarian sun sign - with an Aquarian dog for a son - and apparently Sirius is the brightest in the sky during February. The blazing star.

It was definitely divine providence that the dog licked it on many different levels for humanity as a whole. As it relates to the freedom of humanity and your freedom of speech. Your spiritual freedom to be who you wish to be - in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law and science of being.

It is a (biblical) spiritual initiation for the 'marked person' of wonders and miracles. In this spiritual context it is about the 'band of survivors' that came out from Mt Zion that are divinely guided through every transition. There is alway a remnant that is saved to carry forth the great works - to help humanity to make the breakthroughs.

Hence the word 'Jerusalem' is to do with the flow - and your flow through the initiations that can really test your patience - and the patience of a saint. If a child has integrated patience of a saint and is going through their return at the same time as a parent is going through their return - they can be a blazing star of the light for each other. Due to how well they know each other - the child that came from the mothers womb - the child of your flesh and genetics.


Sirius is blue - the blue of the mystical healers -  and Sirius does impact on the 'waistline' - your weight and how you weigh and measure realities. People do not feed their happiness with food - divine love is the food that feeds the soul. Hence it is about the spiritual weighing of earthly realities in a physical sense.

It is about justice and it is about saving all that is healthy for you - and shedding the other realities. It can impact on those that were there for you - and those that were not. Its a complete assessment of your life to date - a complete review of where you've been - and where you are going.

The restriction is meant to help people to get on track with the next phase of the journey. It is a reminder to always be the light that you were born to be. In understanding the transitions of the initiations you can help others to understand theirs. It includes the blazing light of self-disclosure that is to aid others with their process and life choices. It is through honesty that people make huge breakthroughs.

Sometimes that truth is blunt with mercy and when it is - it can help others to remove their rose tinted glasses. That is why it always impacts on friendships - relationships and careers.

Life experience can be rich in its rewards when people can view it as such. Its about ensuring that you learn from your choices - and make the right ones that are healthy for you and your future. For you -your children and future generations.  It has a long range impact on your lives. Hence it is hugely important that people comprehend the energies that are impacting upon you to help you in different ways.

The straightway is the best way - to take you through the transitions. Upright in the heart of integrity.
Once a person has come through it successfully - they can then have a year of rest and recovery from it and its impact. Wisdom reposes in the heart. Its a powerful transition that impacts on career and career direction.

So for instance my Son of Light went back into education during his first return - he had to take responsibility for his future. He also went through a change in location. Now he is the other side of the tunnel - the light of learning in work is his reward.

The songs that were important for you during your first return - are also important to you in your second return; due to you remembering how those positive songs impacted upon keeping your Spirits high. You can also find that previous friends turn up in your life again - or other spiritual realities.

Also after the restriction of the saturn return is lifted - that is when greater help comes to you. It is a time of renewal and a lifting up - a raising up of that which has been established by you for your well-being.

So for instance the spreading of paint came in during the summer of 2012 for me in my second Saturn Return. It helped the movement of the transition that was gracefully being merciful to self - and those that were brought to me for help. It was a spiritual realignment with the artistic and creative person that was born to be. Expressing the creativity in a new and different way. 

Jesus kept on telling me to paint and asking me to paint certain things. He seriously kept me sane - as I was going through the heaviest stages of the process. The heat of his love just kept on coming to hold me in the Spirit of love - as I was going through the climax of the saturn return at the end of the menopause.

A realignment with the color of life - at a time when I had to go through a tunnel of the river. Hence - the color was a powerful advancement in a different and new reality that could help others. The restriction upon me was to ensure that the mandala - healing and prophetic painting came forth during the return.

If you had financial restrictions in your first saturn return - you can be sure that you will experience them again in your second saturn return. How did you manage it and were you frugal. What it brought forth for yours truly was the healing foods - the kneading and the bread of the presence for improvements in physical health. 

The making of soups and dishes that are healthy and economical. Healing foods for healing the dynamic energy systems in the body. Healing foods that are most appropriate for different ailments. The spiritual law that relates to it - with the words of Jesus and Elijah. The flour and the oil! So again it was another creative reality that could help the physical processes in a therapeutic way.

Although it can manifest in different ways. It is often the case that restrictions can be to enhance your creative abilities and it is often the case that it is also to bring justice forth. So for instance at the end of my first saturn return that was a time that I moved house from a four bedroom house to a six bedroomed house. 

That was the time of preserving - renovation and decoration. Hence color manifested in a different way in that timeline. Productivity and investment of time for the best return. Wisdom provided the best return on investment - to those that were brought to her home for the raising of their vibration.

It is often a time for shedding weight - it is also a time for the shedding of realities - if and when they don't suit your progress and life cycle. So after the move - part-time businesses were also shed.

The first saturn return is about the renewal of the power of selfhood - the second saturn return is about the renewal of life. As people often experience bereavements during their second return - and or serious health issues. It can be experienced by the self - with friends - families - colleagues and partners. It can really stretch and challenge your abilities to ensure that you manifest what you are meant to manifest in a positive way. 

In olden days the mothers helped their daughters to understand the change of life. The ancients also taught the children about the initiations of life due to their own life experiences - with the oral teachings of the elders. The 'Muriel' 'Uriel' energy is powerful with Sirius to help women through the major phase of their lives. There is no escape for women and the change of life - it has to be lived through. The question is how will you do it - and come out the other side of it. 

In the beginning of the hormonal balances - I began to work with the cellular - and did a of work on healing the cellular structures and removing memories that related to what I was experiencing. Thank God that I am - who I am - with healing and spiritual abilities that had already been integrated. As on a spiritual level - it really was the toughest time of my life. 

It does have massive impact on the physical of women - as the body is going through so many changes. The spreading of the paint 
and the healing foods were also a life saver. 

It makes people seriously consider what really matters in life - now and for the future. So its time when people often put a lot more value onto the important friendships in their lives. When people move beyond many realities that they once loved. 

Things and situations that were once important to you - can cease to be in your existence. They're simply taken away from you - so that you can continue in the most positive way for you and your health. Being with people and energies that are nurturing for you is essential at this time. If you can afford it - I also recommend reflexology - aromatherapy massage and sound healing. Being a physical reality - herbs are also more powerful for the physical due to herbs being a denser vibration.

It is a time when people start to say no - and really mean it. And the police and politicians don't like it when the elders and veterans say NO!  The veterans and the spiritual elders in our nations - have a lot of powerful energy. A lot of life experience to offer - and give to humanity to help it at this phase of the transition.

The veterans of life experience are also the most people on the planet - we are the majority.

Go blazing stars - go - go - go - shine your light brightly as the LORD said


My ascendent sign is Sagittarius and Saturn has been in Sagittarius - hence the fire of God manifests in the Spirit of love due to the travels - the missions and what that manifested in my reality. So much more fiery in communications than usual during the saturn return that came right at the end of the menopause. 

So pleased and happy that its over - and that I can look back with grace; in hindsight with the humility of the healer that can see the progress and positivity that came out of it. As I said to colleagues and friends - I now have a much larger repertoire as I move into my new year of the spiritual teacher - in the year of 'Goat-Sheep-Ram' of 2015. A seven year - the Zayin and the woman of valor.

In my reality in 2014 - Jesus asked for Elijah's Fire and Elijah's fire he got - as requested. As we know the Sagittarius as the bow and arrows that are sung about in the anthem of 'Jerusalem'. The straightway the truth is fired in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law. The chariot of Elijah's fire of the fire of its ascendent sign. 

Sometimes Elijah's Fire was for the great work that was being implemented - at other times it was for different realities. However all had a higher purpose than most people comprehend. It came right at the end as a climax for all that had been achieved. A wonderful Elijah Fire mandala. 


USHA is also to do with divine truth that Saturn reveals - and USHA is about the divine government that was established to raise humanity up. Its truly a powerful time for the feminine energy - and I like the fact that Sirius is also to do with coconut fibers in the Atlantean energies - I had a dream of buying 20 pounds of coconut this year. Hence it is Sirius that unites the cultures in the different spiritual philosophies - although the people view it in different ways that feels right for them.

It makes so much sense to me why the sparkling blue car could not be allowed to be taken from the forecourt and when I stopped driving it - I saw angels on the window pane in the rain. The Angels were over it - keeping it there for this important Sirius transition and completion. I am so happy for you all - that my life as been so productive - and its good to share on this 'Day of Vibrancy'. 

I feel the vibrancy of Sirius - how wonderful is that. The power of the light of the Sirius energy that works with the Sun and its bodhisattva of compassion and mercy - the mystical healers of humanity. The miracle workers helping other people to become so. 

For as Jesus said 'the harvest is plenty and the workers are few'.  Jesus liked the Apostles and disciples to use their own initiative - yet they were often so dependent upon him - or another man - that it was hard for a lot of women to make the breakthroughs that he wished for them to make. 

That is why it is an important time for women in the change - and you see that many women like to spend it in aloneness;  due to the difficulties that they can encounter. Some women take HRT - and I've always advised women not to do so - due to the impact that those kinds of drugs can have on the body. I didn't have a choice in the matter due to having had an operation for cancerous cells - and laser treatment when I was young. 

Sometimes when I look back in hindsight over my life - I think it is incredible - that I am still standing and living on this planet. It requires a very strong person to have lived through what I've lived through - and still be smiling - with love in my heart. Truly a twice born - and that is another true story of the Spirit and how it manifested in my life. 

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