
Sunday 8 February 2015


I have been pondering on 'eyesight' and about the amount of children that have experienced being hit in and out of school. I came to the realization that my eyes began to weaken in my early 20's and wondered if it had anything to do with the face being hit - especially in the area of the eyes and head.

I do not think that it is a coincidence. I have tried to change my photo on this blog - as I rarely wear glasses these days.

The first time that Jesus appeared before me - when I saw him in full bodily form - my son and I were in Australia at the time. It will be 16 years this summer - and this year is also a seven year in my life cycle.

Seven the ZAYIN - the woman of valor - and the life number of the spiritual teacher. In the past I have read that the life number of Jesus was also a seven.

The day that Jesus came to me in Australia - after he had spoken to me - the Spirit of his love was so powerful that the tears welled up so large - that the weight of them took my glasses to the floor. As I bent down to pick up the glasses - he turned around as he was leaving and he said 'You will be able to see'. 


Golden lips and golden ears.
She heard his golden words and she spoke it.
He was seen with her eyes wide open.

The eyes of the healers and prophets are clearly very important to him - and I have read that the eyes of Moses got stronger - and so did mine. I smile - happily - every time I go to the opticians for a check up.

It was such a glorious day - the day of miracles - when he is sent to be with you.  For only the heavenly Father knew the hour and the day that he would send his Son to yours truly.

In the biblical prophecies Joseph was gifted at midday - and that is so true. I was gifted and blessed in his presence many times - special days that will always be remembered and held in my heart.

For out of Jerusalem will come a remnant, and out of Mount Zion a band of survivors. The zeal of the LORD Almighty will accomplish this. Isaiah 37: 32

There is much still to be done - and I do feel positive in my year of repose of my heart of grace.

Jesus spoke of the repose and it is written that wisdom reposes in the heart. The song of Jerusalem reminds me of Elijah's chariot of fire - it also reminds me of the four white horses of URIEL energy. My mother's middle name was 'Muriel' and she certainly had plenty of 'Muriel' energy with her. 

When she became a widow - she was so determined to drive dad's car - and she did. She was so strong minded like the RAB. I had also passed and bought a white car. Now two of my friends have white cars. The chariot of energy that carries you to where you must go. Uriel that brings people before this throne for justice to be done at the judgment seat of mercy.  

The bow and arrows remind me of my ascendent fire sign of Sagittarius the traveller. The spear reminds me of the celestial golden lance given in March 2010 - the freedom march for Greece and its peace. The message of Ezra. 

As we leave the Chinese Year of the Horse and prepare for the Year of the 'Ram - Goat - Sheep'. The farmers are going to be important this year again - in the countries where there are a lot of 'goats and sheep'. 

And so it is - the song of Jerusalem sings of the holy lamb of God. I know where my Aquarius and Capricorn is in my chart. I also know that my Virgo is in Mars and my Venus is in Pisces. With Venus in Pisces it is easy to comprehend - why I get on so well with the water signs. Why I feel so passionate about the creation of fish farms to feed the people on the land.

We seem to have a deep understanding of each other - words unspoken - yet known and understood. Some people say that Aquarians are the least understood of all the sun signs. So the Aquarian Age is hard for many people to get their heads around; due to it being strong and singled minded. 

So focussed and aligned with the flow that comes from its humanitarian heart. Interesting that the word 'Jerusalem' is also to do with the flow - and so it is you can accept 'New Jerusalem' as a new flowing of energy that is being co-created. One day they will build the new holy city in the location that has been designated for its holiness and purity. 

As the people have been leaving the UK in droves - and I did write what would Russell Brand do to rescue the Islanders - due to the earthquakes and ice caps melting. For our kinsman can make wonderful interventions - although they cannot stop the ice caps melting. 

This is my concern in the medium to long term. I began to speak about the 'Millennium Prophecies' back in the mid 90's to the people that came to my lectures. That seems like a lifetime ago now when lots of people in the UK were dreaming of the floods to come. 

I noticed last night that on my birthday in February - Sirius is the brightest star in the sky - and when people used to ask me where I was from - I used to say 'Sirius' and smile. I also have a godson that is an Aquarian as well. The godmother has an Aquarian godson and an Aquarian Son of light. I wonder what my Son shall cook for me today. I shall cook the carrot and orange soup that I've fancied since last week - and just eaten some welsh rabbit. Cheese on toast! 

Although I am out of cumin so will have to do a ginger spice - carrot and orange soup. Maybe it is time for some more cinnamon as well. The sun is shinning this bright Sunday - and the sky is blue. The 9th of February is the 'Day of Vibrancy' - so tomorrow will be a good day - to paint for my godson. 

Well done to Russell Brand for the improvement in his communication in the recent video about 'Teenage Pregnancies' in the USA. Its good news that they are decreasing. Although I do wonder if the 'abortion' rate has increased. Americans shared that they buy the morning after pill for 25 dollars - the price of a life in America. That is what life is worth to some - to others it is worth nothing - to people like myself - the life of a child is priceless - I could not put a price upon the cost of life. 

Nothing in life is free - is it - responsibility and fun always as a cost. Just as life itself as a cost. The question is how high did that cost have to be - before the people would be willing to truly listen. The common sense of the heart - and its wisdom that was delivered due to life experience. I often said to people that you can only truly know me in your heart - and last week it was a time for people to heal their hearts again. 

Jesus knew what the cost of life had been to my physical being - he knew that I was a 'marked person' and so it was - that he came to help and he still does. So that yours truly may continue in the heat of his Spirit of love and pure intention. 

The remnant do come - and so do the 'band of survivors' for they survived the 'mental fight' that was bound to happen in the air of the Aquarian Age - in the power of the Spirit of love - they do defend the righteous - righteously. It is written that the water carriers and carpenters would serve Israel - and so we did. Jesus and I both had missions in Israel. 

The prophecies predicted that when one comes it is good news - so you can understand that when it is two of us - a lot happens in every reality - to improve the life of people on this planet. I wonder sometimes what people must have thought when they saw my Son of light. 

And what did they think when they saw our eco-warrior David - oh God bless his soul for everything he did to help yours truly. A love so deep and so long lasting - a love so faithful. Truly he was a peaceful warrior.  The Gemini communicator - who was with me throughout the Rev 12 timeline and the overlap with Micah 4. 

And my Son of light - so well-mannered - so well-spoken - so polite - and being loving kindness itself. Even when he was a child - people always used to remark about his manners. Another Aquarian you see. And as the midwife said 'A baby is only as good as its mother'. 

The Aquarian Age of supreme love is like that - the more that the mother feeds the Aquarian baby from the bosom of her wisdom - the more it grows magnanimously.  The communication skills and talents of the Aquarian Age. How the heart of communication impacts on nature - nurture and your environment. 

The more that the mother feeds the baby - the more that the husband blesses the mother. Just as Jesus blessed yours truly with the eyes that got stronger. The single parent mother found the light of her life in her son before she found it within her self. After she found the light of love within herself - then Jesus appeared before me. I was ready to see him - and for him to bestow his sacred words that are true. 

The mother embraced Jesus fully - when he showed her how much he really cared for her. She was a woman that had to have real evidence and real proof - to be totally convinced and totally aligned in an harmonic way - that would bring forth the remnant and the survivors. 

Relationships are like that - actions speak louder than words. That is what really mattered to Jesus - the compassionate actions - the charity - the life that had been lived in the heart of integrity. It is written chosen by grace - and I did choose grace - she is a lovely lady. In fact - two people with the name of Grace came into my life. A clairvoyant in England and a spiritual teacher in Australia. 

A few years ago I found a book on a park bench - and the book is called 'Restoring Grace'. The third time the word 'Grace' was given. I used to predict that I would age gracefully - and I can see the meanings of grace in my life. 

The clairvoyant - the spiritual teacher - the book of life of grace and it was a graceful movement through the different stages and phases of a woman's life. I am so happy that menopause is over and completed - and I can still say that my eyes are stronger than they once were. 

Reviewing the grace in your life is wonderful - all the times that you have been graceful in circumstances and life conditions. All the times that people have been graceful to you. Grace is about a state of being it - it isn't about what you wear - it is what you are made of. 

The grace of a child in its forgiveness - the grace of a child in its unconditional love and mercy. The grace of righteousness spoken; to defend those that have to be defended and given a voice. For love prevails in the gracefulness of the being. It is the grace of divine dignity - and honor of that is which is pure and of God.

The grace of a child that sits and sews - the grace of a child as it spreads the color of the paint. The grace of the mother that kneads the bread - the grace of the mother that teaches the children to smile gracefully through every life situation and condition. 

The graceful mother that is always hopeful - and puts her trust in the Spirit of love that raised her up. The graceful mother that prays for her children - the graceful mother that always held her head up high. 

Some things began with a prayer and other things began with a dream or a vision. Can you look at it all through the eyes of grace. Can you see that which is strong in its purest sense - can you see grace. 

I can smell the water of a swimming pool up the nose - so best I go and look at the news. 

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