
Friday 6 February 2015

Golden Gate of Mercy for Equal Opportunities

Young Dom Johnson was persuaded to do this duo on a track called 'Equality Street' and the main point of it is for equal opportunities. However - where are the equal opportunities in this country. Cameron as ensured that students have to pay huge tuition fees - and those that thought they would be able to retire - now cannot retire.

There are still 2 million youth in the UK unemployed and 50% of the male population is 'depressed'. Did you get that at number 10. Isaac has 'weak eyes' have you ever read Amos 7 - and what happens when the prophets stand against those that 'oppress' the people. My eyes have got stronger - how are yours - I rarely wear glasses these days. Eyes of light like a magnifying glass.


See the eyes of Moses got stronger as well - it sure is a sign that the LORD blesses his blessed ones.

In the lyrics of this song it includes: 'Come with me down Equality Street - you don't know who you're going to meet'. 'At the end there's a golden gate - it let in love - it don't let in hate'. 'Black people aren't crazy and fat people aren't lazy. And dwarves aren't babies'.

We like Quality Street don't we - just put an E for ELIAKIM in front of it - and you have the KEY.

The golden gate is actually the gateway of mercy - and for merciful compassionate action to exist in our countries then equal opportunities for everyone must be allowed to exist. I like the one young ones as they listen to their elders with life experience. The young ones are concerned about their future.

I like the older ones as there is mutual respect for each other and the agreements that were made in the past. Its the middle agers that have to make a breakthrough - a lot are set in their ways - and think that life is just one big party for politicians. Well the prophets do exist in the UK - and so does the 'marked person'.

See if you go to the golden gate in Israel - you're not allowed to go into that Mosque on the rock - the Muslims don't let you in. There is no equal opportunities for everyone in Islam. So if the Muslims don't let you take a good look inside their mosques - why should we let them come into our country and take a good look at it.

Equal opportunities means that for everyone - and when Muslims give equal opportunities to all people in Islamic countries - maybe people in the UK will be more kindly towards their cause.  You see - there is a much bigger picture - and Saudi and Iran are battling it out in Yemen. It was bound to happen when the new Saudi king arrived - Nostradamus predicted that he would be the last king of Saudi.

Yemen used to be an incredibly beautiful country - and people were dressed in all manner of beautiful colors. Not anymore -  the women in Yemen are covered from head to foot in black burkas and the Jordanian king is doing a prance in his military uniform. He reminds me of the dream that I had of the 'drag queen'.

The man that was dressed as a woman in a fur coat - he looked just like that person in the dream. Do you know what I think - I think they're all having lots of dressing up parties in their smocks!

So is the UK election going to be what the LORD calls it - a 'Foregone conclusion'.

Did you see that it has cost the taxpayers ten million to keep Julian Assange where he is. 10 million that could have gone to help people that cannot afford food in the UK. Not very good at housekeeping are they are number ten downing street.

Did you know that the hour glass is about a biblical prophecy - and Assange chose the hour glass as his logo. Its the last hour - and Jesus gave a parable about the workers that only worked for 'one hour' and how other people complained about it.

It reminds me of the story of the Lord that helped the Co-op bank for one pound - and a new chairman has offered to give his six figure salary to charity. The Co-op bank began with a beautiful ethos - a personal bank for the people by the people.

Originally it was established like an NGO - whereby any interest gained was put back into the development of the bank and or was given in dividends to its customers; that put their wages into the bank. How wonderful is that! Do you remember the days of the Co-op milkman - that delivered the milk to your doorstep. How they delivered essential foods.

How when you were growing up - the days of coming home with the milkman - as he trundled along the road with his lights on. Surely - that was an incredible service in the community. An essential service for the elderly - if only people realized its full worth - was beyond what it seemed and appeared to be.

Sometimes modernization is a backward step - maybe that is another reason why Tescos are closing many of their stores. Iceland and Aldi seem to be growing. I like Iceland because like the milkman - they deliver to your doorstep.

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