
Friday 13 February 2015

February 13th Ha'Azinu'

I like listening to theirs voices and to hear them sing. Reminds me of being in Israel.

Last night the LORD gave his last warning to the men in America - and he spoke of what would happen. As I wrote prayers will not save them now. A man cannot strike a woman with one hand - and then pray with his other hand. For what would God say to him - if he did such a thing.

I just looked out of the window and a huge Hebrew letter could be seen upon the clouds. It wasn't in the cloud or formed by the cloud - it was on the cloud - if makes sense. It appeared suddenly and disappeared suddenly.

It looked like CHET and its about the visions. The chet that is above the rooftops in the sky and it is has the numeric of 8. 2015 is also an 8 year and now it begins. The eight days of the festival of light -  with the candle being symbolic of the light of life and its soul of hope and glory.

The book of Deuteronomy tells man that 'None can deliver from my hand. Lo - I raise my hand to heaven and say: As I live forever. When I whet my flashing blade and my hand lays hold on judgement.' Chapter 32:39-41 

It was divine providence that a dear English friend gifted a birthday present of a bottle of white wine this 13th day of February. Rumi wrote poetry about the clear white wine of the mystics - that have beautiful names bestowed upon us. White wine without dregs. She also gave a book on the life of Mary Seacole and I am so looking forward to reading it. 

Love delights in the English woman that was so thoughtful - and we drove together to get some food - sharing like we have always done. 

Author of the book is Jane Robinson and it is written that this is the first full-length biography of Mary Seacole - the book is described as 'The charismatic black nurse who became a heroine of the crimea'. On the back cover it is written 'How the greatest black Briton in history won a place in the hearts of Victorian England'. 'Mary Seacole was one of the most eccentric and charismatic women of her day'. 

The Daily Express reviewed it as 'A beautiful description of racial injustice'. I will give my review of it once I have read the book. Although 'injustice' in all of its forms; is clearly on the menu being addressed by women globally. 

From the one million women marching in the UK on the 7th March; to put a stop to 'male violence' against women. The women that I saw on the telephone while bathing - the telecommunications - the voices of the 30-40 year old women - and their different ethnicities that are destined to fulfill the will of the LORD. 

I've chosen the song above as it aligns with current events and Deuteronomy 32 explains the prophecy of why this is happening now. For yours truly - this birthday has been about 'Ha'Azinu' and the contents of the Torah on this sabbath evening. 

In my life cycle it is a seven year of the ZAYIN and a year of 'repose'. Wisdom reposes in the heart of integrity. Every seven years the field must rest - so that it may be revitalized and nourished. Its a time of rest - recovery and recuperation. 2015 itself is also an eight year and the CHET - that describes the visions that were received in the past. 

How America didn't like being told what was going to happen to it in advance. In hindsight - where North America is going on the road that it is on - is inevitable due to the sheer amount of 'violence and blood shed' that happens on its land. Matthew chapter 11 comes to mind - and I quoted a few words from that yesterday - you can also cross reference that with Jeremiah 18 whereby it mentions the 'Tablets'.

America went one step too far - and they will never have the joy and wonder of her again. Few men can walk upon Mount Zion and defend those that have been 'oppressed' like she can. Few spiritual teachers can thresh the realities of Americans like she can. Micah 4 overlapped with Rev 12 and Rev 13. For wisdom was called to do the count - wisdom with insight. Wisdom with the business background - whereby one became a thousand healers.

Biblical prophecy predicted that this calls for a mind of wisdom. For the LORD has spoken of it - he shall not make any compromise with anyone - not even the medics. Who could stand on his feet of glory - and live to tell the story. 

As we know tablets can be found in the pharmaceutical industry - and in the computer industry - it was all pre-planned by the men in advance to target the children. Yet - people gobble up the pills - and gobble up the latest technological gadgets. I still have the laminations of press articles from the Daily Express from the 20th March 2000. 

The laminations were posters on the wall behind me - as I had been asked to give a talk at a local school to parents. The headlines are 'Prozac fears for our young - three year olds given psychiatric drug'. "Prozac can make you feel anorexic and suicidal - yet they give it to children. Why'. 

The global 'deconstruction' of their realities - the power of the women to turn the world around will be incredible. A lot is happening at an incredible speed - the past has created the present - and the present creates the future. Extraordinary women do extraordinary things - and the greater the love that you are the greater the causes that you are given. 

There is nothing that can stop the pure intention of the magnanimous love that is in the world. Nothing can stop the outpouring of love - life and Holy Spirit. For it truly does exist on this 13th day of my life of loving those that have put in the effort to make it a good and peaceful day for well-being. Mind - body and soul. I trust in the LORD with all my heart - that everything will get sorted out to his satisfaction - to ensure the survival of humanity on the planet. 

Many will not like what they witness now - and I do not have to watch what happens in my new year of repose and renewal.  It is no coincidence that in February - the brightest star of Sirius is at its brightest in February - the water carrier.

The blue star of the mystical realities that are healthy for humanity - as it shines its light upon the month of the birth of the daughter - the divine feminine. The godmother. Its no coincidence that one of the magi that came to look for her - was also an Aquarian water bearer. A beloved. Italy always in my heart. 

So it shall be that the heaven and earth shall give witness for the true servants of the LORD - and they will see what happens in different countries - and how they prosper in the places where the will of God was implemented in harmonic concordance with the spiritual law.

For heaven sent we have been - and heaven sent we do dwell. I've been pondering on Matthew 11 and how it mentions the 'violence in the heavens' since the time of John the Baptist. How it was that Mary Seacole worked with the veterans to help them to heal - there are so many wounded soldiers from so many life conditions and experiences.

How would you heal a dog - would you give a dog a 'slap' as some Americans speak of it - or would you be like Mary. Maybe it would be more helpful if people became animal healers - they would then have more compassion for people. There has been an explosion at a hospital in Florida - and there was a dog in the black smoke - the dog was not happy. The dog had curly hair like a sheep.

In the UK there has also been an event - all the medics at an A&E quit at a hospital in Redditch - Warwick and the reason given was about the medics not being listened to. So again the HaAzinu and the heavens and the earth given witness.

Once upon a time I had a Spirit dog like this one - he would wrap his body around my legs if he didn't like someone that came close in my auric field.  He was so protective and a great defender of women.

Its interesting that Russell Brand chose the White Dog as his emblem - as I shared the White Dog film information with an American prior to his passing over. The dog certainly licked it!

Such love and keenness of eye - bright eyed and bushy tailed. How dogs have been man's best friend. How some love their dogs more than anything else in the world. How nature of creation has been 'subjected' to 'violence' since man takes the habitat of the wild 'discriminately'. Justice is for all creation - not just for the cause of man.

Of course the dogs would come to heaven to protect it and defend it. Of course they would warn and care whether you live - of course they care fully that you are prepared for what is coming upon the world. For they share the world with us - in Spirit and in other ways.

It is written that whoever understood the numeric of 13 would have power and dominion. It is due to the spiritual power of magnanimous love that drenched people to empower them. To take their power back - and to have true dominion that is in harmony with the spiritual law of creation. To listen to creation and what it conveys to the people - for only in listening can you hear what the Spirit is saying to you.

Only in seeing - can you be sure of the experience that you have encountered. Just as I saw the hebrew letter today. If you can take the time to listen to the animals - then you can also take the time to listen to the children and the people. They all have a voice that can be heard - if you have the ears to hear. They speak to us in the best way that they know how. It is for us to put the effort in to hear them. It is for us to convey the message of the badgers to the people about the land.


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