
Saturday 14 February 2015

February 14th T'zadikah

While bathing as I was awakening from dozing I could hear the feminine voice coming up from within me - and she said 'Lifeblood - lifeblood - move on - move on'. Surely it is a matter of 'life or death' - that which is healthy for your peace and well-being. The sanctity of your sanctuary - not just for the divine feminine but the sake of the children.

There is a charity in England with the name 'Lifeblood' and when lifeblood is mentioned - it can mean that there has been a passing in the family.

Afterwards I was looking at that word 'Whet' found in Deuteronomy chapter 32 in the Torah.

Then I could hear the word of the LORD - T'zadikah - (as it sounded) his voice in my auric field of the ear - is so distinctive - and he is always teaching me a new word - or something he wishes for me to share.

'According to Jewish tradition, the spiritual benefit of giving to the poor is so great that a beggar actually does the giver a favor by giving a person the opportunity to perform tzedakah'.

'The root of the word - Tzadei-Dalet-Qof, meaning righteousness, justice or fairness. In Judaism, giving to the poor is not viewed as a generous, magnanimous act; it is simply an act of justice and righteousness, the performance of a duty, giving the poor their due'.

'One source says that to make yourself suffer by refusing to accept tzedakah is equivalent to shedding your own blood'. 

Charity before Breakfast. 

He is explaining the importance of what I received yesterday - and the importance of what I have given in the past. The past creates the present - the charitable receive charity. The righteous receive righteousness - those that delivered justice and fairness are given justice and fairness. That is what he means by that verse about the whet.

'None can deliver from my hand. Lo - I raise my hand to heaven and say: As I live forever. When I whet my flashing blade and my hand lays hold on judgement.' Chapter 32:39-41 

As we know many people were given that opportunity in life - the opportunity to make a difference to a life of a person or cause. The greater the love that you are - the greater are the causes. Funny - I just had some toast and orange marmalade - charity implemented prior to the breakfast being on and eaten. 

The T'zadikah that relieves the suffering of the giver - and the receiver for different reasons and purposes. That is why Jesus taught it - as one of his most important teachings - as he knew that it is Tzadikah that is the great cause of the liberation of humanity. 

In Indian philosophy you can understand the whet of the flashing blade of this dharma of truth - and how it relates to the spiritual law of righteousness and its justice. The straightway to live in co-creation on the planet - the judgement that raises people and their vibration up.

That is why compassionate action and mercy was so very important in my life. For as a child - I grew up with T'zadikah - it was imperative that children had a relationship with in and so doing - they naturally come to comprehend the spiritual law of giving that Jesus spoke of.

I have taught this in many different ways - from many different views - during my life on this planet. In my humble view and experience. It was a very important way to break free - from any negativity in your life - so that your life could be more open to the positive manifestation. Sometimes it is clear that a position is put in front of people - to show them the way forward.

My current position is T'Zadikah - the time of receiving in my year of repose. As in watering the field and nourishing it - while it is resting - prior to the new seeds being planted. 

No coincidence than - that it was my birthday yesterday. A day of Ha'Avinu T'Zadikah. Quite a sabbath hey - listening and justice. 

Love delights in T'Zadikah - I spell it as Zadikah - due to the sound of the word that I heard him speak. 

Love beyond measure everyone - I have loved you beyond measure. So it is immeasurable love.

For this she was born - for this he loved her and him.

T'Zadikah surely is the LOVE LIBERATOR 

UPDATE 22:22 

Do you remember the CAFE DREAM and the event that happened in Australia afterwards. There has been another Cafe event - this time in Denmark - to do with the Danish cartoons. A man has passed over. 

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