
Friday 2 January 2015


After the LORD gave the name EMILY - it brought to my attention the first time I saw my son look at a girl when their look says it all. When the sunbeam of love is written in their eyes when they looked at each other. The name emily is an ancestral name and is also historic in the UK to do with do with voting. On the 7th May 2015 - there is a national election in the UK - and the 7th May is the 'Day of Devotion'. 

Emily and my son are both children of the Pluto in Scorpio generation - and they can be intense and deeply spiritual. The children of their particular age group have just gone through their first saturn return as well - so what they have learnt so far in life has been reviewed. 

Both children had mothers that ran their own business - both children were hard workers and willing to work to support themselves. I then began to ponder upon children - school and first loves - how first loves impact on education. We know scientifically that when people are in love it impacts on the proteins in the body and that can impact on their health during their teenage years. 

It is often the case that children at school find and feel that powerful love for someone at a very young and tender age. The attraction for whatever reason can be all encompassing -  and can definitely impact on their attention span. That then brings our attention to the impact that love can have on their studies. 

Most probably why there was originally different schools for boys and girls. To ensure that when they were studying - their attention was on their studies and school work. How about the boys and their homework - not an easy achievement for single parent mums and their children. 

Did you have a first love at school - do you remember their name - and have you pondered on the impact of that name on your realities. Maybe it was someone that you thought a lot about. Or someone that didn't know that you loved them. You were only children after all. Was that love unrequited or was your love returned. Children do grow out of it - although the impact of it - can have a long lasting impact on education. 

The name of the person can also be long lasting - especially when love is concerned. It has much greater impact than science currently comprehends; due to love being an important aspect of the science of being. 

During your life you can find that people with that name being attracted to you - you can also find yourself crossing paths with that name - again and again in different realities. 

My advice to the pluto in scorpio generation is to unlock your connection with your first loves - your first attractions. And subsequent connections people with the same name. Sometimes others didn't know about the power of your love due to it being held deeply within you. Its time to unlock the maths of it - and in so doing the science of it.

A name is more powerful then most people are aware of - and a name can bring forth many different realities to show you the truth of your existence. The name is most potent when loving someone is linked into that name. Its all powerful. 

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