
Saturday 3 January 2015

David's Rose Petals

In the healing visions received before Christmas I saw a man's large hands filled with pink rose petals. Specifically the pink rose is a connection with David - and when we did some healing together we were blessed with a pink rose that was put into his heart. David came into my life in 2002 and he was a sailor from the sailing community -  just as the biblical prophecies predicted that he would be.

Nostradamus gave a prophecy about the rose - the new deeds and the shedding of blood. There has  certainly been a lot of shedding of blood over the Christmas and New Year period in the UK. The prophecy predicted that 'The rose upon the middle of the great world. For new deeds - public shedding of blood. To speak the truth - one will have a closed mouth. Then at that time of need the awaited one will come late'. It is quatrain C5.Q96. 

Isaiah 35:1 also mentioned the rose.  

David's Rose Petals 

A fragrant offering. 

'I'll always be with you'. 

So much came to fruition.

And what of America - this happened at the Rose Bowl.

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