
Saturday 3 January 2015


In the beginning of the dream I saw a baby in a nappy and it was trying to crawl away from a man that was behind the baby. The baby was on some kind of wood that looked like a sideboard. The baby was trying to get off of the wood - and away from the man. The baby was looking at the drop before it - like a person jumping off a cliff. The baby didn't know how to get away from the man.

After that I saw more babies trying to get away.

In dream interpretation; to dream of 'helpless' babies can be a warning dream of difficulties ahead - to be cautious in your business affairs or love relationships. Babies are also symbolic of innocence and purity of the new born. The only thing that the babies were wearing was a nappy. They were mostly white babies and they looked about 8-9 months old.

Then when I woke up a man from the social networks was in my attention - and something that had been written on the internet last night.


Have you seen this video called 'Helpless Baby'.

I then went to the news to see if there was anything that could relate to this dream. I was specifically looking to see if there was anything on nappy. And what do we find in the British press on-line the name 'Emily' that was given on Friday. 

Emily Blunt - the American actress that appeared in the film


Children are coddled too much by sanitised modern stories and fairy tales says the actress Emily Blunt.

The actress who stars in the new Disney film Into the Woods, said children should be exposed to darker stories.
The 31-year-old actress said in the past, children’s films had been more challenging.
She told the Guardian: “Bambi loses his mother, Dumbo is wrenched away from his mother, who is chained up and tormented and bullied. It used to be darker and more challenging.

“Nobody goes through life unscathed. If you want to fairy tale the shit out of everything you’re doing everyone a disservice.”

Isn't that just typical of the American film industry and many Americans on-line. Seriously - what kind of communication is that to impart to the world. 'fairy tale the shit out of everything'. Americans and their communication and mentality. Is it any wonder that America is like it is. With two year olds shooting their mothers with guns in a shop. Apparently that young mother was a nuclear scientist. 

Does Emily Blunt have any idea of the impact those kinds of films have on the consciousness of babies scientifically when they're put in front of a screen.  Does she understand the science of sound and power of it. Did she ever have a nightmare as a child after seeing a Disney film. I certainly did - after seeing the film Sleeping Beauty. I still remember being woken up by it. I was obviously too young - to see such a film. 

In the dream - the first baby that looked like a boy with light colored hair - was on the edge - as in the edge of a precipice. The more that I ponder on this dream and the wooden sideboard -  it reminds me of the babes in the wood.


  1. Another event in Paris - the BBC are calling it a massacre.

  2. Just seen the report of this and it mentions L'Enfants metro station in America - Yellow - Blue - Orange and Silver line trains.

    It reminds me of the 'Helpless Babies' dream and the 'Star Wars characters' dream when they were 'shattered in glass in space'.

    Last night I was also given the name Matt and what has happened to him. e.g. Matthew.
