
Sunday 4 January 2015


The Spirit of David has been close to me - and I felt him put a comb in my hair. The comb of the bodhisattva. In the gentleness of his Spirit forever loving beyond measure. I bathed and I pondered upon the comb and its meanings. I then saw the energy of creative forgiveness and that which we had shared. The energy that I saw then transformed into golden light - just has he had been transformed. 

Then this Sunday evening in the social network people were discussing unconditional love and its possibilities. 

In my experience of divine training there are two aspects to loving divinely -  being divine love in manifestation. 

Unconditional love is passive and it is ever present in different degrees in a person that has integrated it. It comes with compassion that is active in its compassionate action. The passive and activity of divine love. 

Compassionate action is compelled by mercy and most people who are authentic and genuine in their love - are merciful to their children. Merciful and charitable in the giving of the love. Loving kindness is essential and it comes with great patience beyond measure. 

There are times when our patience is pushed beyond its limits and boundaries - and that can also happen with our children in teenage years. Although due to the depth of our forgiveness our unconditional love is always in existence. 

As we were divinely taught on our journey together 'The depth of your forgiveness determines the depth of your love' - in the same way that the greater the power of the love that you have become- the greater the causes that you are given. David had been give a great cause. 

Unconditional love means allowing others to learn the way in which they choose to learn. However remember that even children have to comprehend the green cross code - look left - look right before crossing. Be consciously awake and aware of the steps that you are taking. Watch your step and the kerb - watch what's coming on both sides. 

I remember vividly the day of the kerb and what transpired that day. I remember also the LORD speaking to me that day and David knew his words were and are true. 

Souls are naturally tender and remember the honey and its comb. For every soul has the honey. Although in the Revelation 12 timeline Jesus spoke of others and what they did when the wondrous woman from heaven arrived. The timeline was completed in December 2008. After that the first blog began. 

 'Some have sour taste buds and not a sweet tooth'. Sacred Words. 


Some like both sweet and sour together - food and what people enjoy. 

The taste of honey - the taste of wisdom - the golden energy. Interesting that some people refer to their sweethearts as honey. Souls are often reminded of the honey that is sweet and natural. Yet it is not given unconditionally - someone has to do the work to co-create it.

Just like people have to put the effort into their relation with children - friends and partners. Someone has to do the work and when the work is done equally - you can see the light of the beauty of the unconditional love in its existence of compassionate action. 

Unconditional love has to be allowed to exist in its passiveness - yet at the same time - remember how sentient and gentle real love is. 

There can be times when the light of love is withdrawn - if and when that unconditional love and its existence is in jeopardy. It often happens in nations when the light of love withdraws - to ensure its own eternal existence. For unconditional love is beyond a specific nation's culture or personality - due to it being truly divine. 

Just like the environment gives and gives compassionately - like the manifestation of the honey. Yet does humanity appreciate the planetary eco-system that makes it possible to exist. Are you aware; at what point the crops stop growing and the reasons why. The crop circles this year will be interesting to see what symbology they convey. 

So then it brings us back to existence and what plane it is upon which you live. Through your eyes do you see the unconditional love - can you feel it - it is untouchable. That is why compassionate action gives witness to that which can be touched. 

However - to those with the Spirit it is possible to melt into unconditional love together. It is possible to hold the Spirit - just as it is possible for the Spirit of David to put the comb of the bodhisattva in my hair so that I could feel him touching my head for divine purpose. 

Just as Jesus stroked my hair for the first time when I wept for the American Christians.  It is clear to me that David has seen me weeping - just as I had seen the holy mother weeping prior to the war in Iraq. 

The touched and the untouchable. Babies survive better and more healthy when they're touched lovingly - now proven scientifically.  Massaged gently. It is the same with people in hospital. When my mother withdrew her hand - it meant that she was ready to leave the planet - she had no further wish to stay upon the planet. I honored her choice unconditionally. 

So I just dabbed her fragrance on her head - so that she could smell the fragrance - so she could leave in the beauty of that fragrance of being beautiful - she could leave in the energy of the saints. She taught her children to never be afraid of people passing over - for death is certainly not the end when you know that life after death exists due to your experience of it. 

Remember Diana - our Queen of Hearts -  touched those that others did not touch - she showed people that she was not afraid to touch those with AIDS. She showed the world her love in compassionate action - and people loved her unconditionally in response. 

So she truly was a follower of Jesus - and what he had shown his followers to do. So too we love and loved him unconditionally - and in our unconditional love for him - he compelled us into compassionate active deeds that are compelled with the power of love. 

Just because Jesus withdrew his light of love from those that did not honor it - it didn't mean that he stopped loving them. It just meant that he was conserving his great love for those that required it - and appreciated it the most. In the same way that people do in families and communities. 

Jesus did not sacrifice integrity or mercy - he did not sacrifice his unconditional love and its eternal flame. However - he was fully aware of the best place to locate the flame of magnanimous love - so that it could have the greatest impact on those that saw it shinning as brightly as the sun. 

David understood the importance of that - he knew what I had been trained divinely to become. He is reminding me of the bodhisattva energy that we shared in the early days and the mercy of it. Nothing can take that experience from us due to its eternal loving existence. 

In his majesty - he let the flame be seen due to his unconditional love for humanity. In his divineness he was saying - this is true. This is real love - this is beauty - this is for the glory of the LORD. This is why I came to bring it back to your remembrance - so that you could follow the light home to that which is eternal. The existence of eternal love - the letter received in 2014 - the pink rose petals and now the comb in 2015. 

The comb that also reminds us of the gracefulness of right mind - right concentration - right focus - the comb of the tortoise shell. The spiritual comb that he gifts in our eternal home that is feminine in its nature. The giver and the receiver - as Jesus predicted what you give comes back to you 30 - 60 or 100 fold. 

The pure intentions and the purity of it was given to David in life - and in life after death - the Spirit lives on to prove its existence again. His heavenly gift - the gift of the mother - the gift from the eternal home - the eternal abode. Its the way to give back for all that was received divinely. The shell comb - the healing comb from he who did his utmost to conserve and preserve his energy - our energy and help the planet to become ecological and self-sustainable. 

The comb and the holy mother - compassionate and merciful. The gift given in the power of love in the recognition of what was given - an honor bestowed by the Spirit of David. For what great love the LORD has for David to send him to gift divinely. In the same way that he sent his Son - known as Jesus. This divine love is beyond measure and eternally in manifestation.

Did you ever put a comb into a persons hair - I remember when my son was a child - and I gave an apricot peach dress to the nanny - and gave her my comb that I made with flowers to match. She wore it to a charity event - she was French. Truly a beautiful soul and a genuine love that we enjoyed having in our home. 

Combs also remind us of the beach and the coral reefs. 

The comb impacts on the scalp and growth of hair - although David was clearly touching specific meridians with the comb on the left side of the head. The comb reminds me of she who hears the sounds of the world - and the flamenco dancers also wear the combs in their hair.  

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