
Friday 2 January 2015


For all of the children with the name EMILY - the name that was given by the LORD. My son was just a teenager when they both set eyes upon each other. They're both children with their pluto in scorpio and that can be very intense and very deep.

Children of a different generation and intentions. They started a business together and it didn't last very long due to their arguments about how things should be run. My son was astute - and he had grown up with a mum that had been a business woman and stall holder in different realities. Even as a baby in a cradle he was with me - and the stall.

He slept a lot in those days - he went everywhere with me - when I was breast feeding him to strengthen his immunity.

The business mother that was also a single parent impacted on the child that saw how successful his mother was. So it was natural for him to be inclined towards business. Hence he was more inclined to go to work to earn money than he was to study. The last I heard of Emily she was getting married and that was years ago. She also went straight to work in the family business. 

My son will be 32 this month - and he is still single - he does not appear to have any interest in girls. He likes being peaceful - and he is used to being free to do as he likes to do. So shall we unlock Emily and also unlock the maths. My son returned to study and is now training to be a teacher. Saturn is also the planet of the teacher and we will see the impact of it with this generation as they move forward in their lives. 

Sometimes the children of a generation find themselves crossing each other's paths later in life - and due to the intent of their generation - it can be like when the dam breaks after a lot of water going under the bridge of their lives. Two beautiful children - loved beyond measure - they've been through their first saturn return - and that would necessitate great changes in their lives. 

The last time that I saw Emily - was when I bought some healing oils at the exhibition - and in the Maltese Cross visions there was both male and a female hands. The hands of the man was offering rose pink petals. His hands were very large. 

May 2015 - a rose pink petal year for this generation of souls - as this year there is a national election in the UK on the 7th May. 

The 7th of May is the 'Day of Devotion'. The question is will this generation of children vote. My son does not vote in any election. So it will be interesting to see what happens this year as EMILY is an historic name in England to do with voting. 

The secondary school that I attended was also next door to where the fellowship of Emily was based - and it was in that location that I collected their signatures - they also gave one of their badges. 

Interesting that EMILY is an ancestral name. It seems to be the girls names this year. EMILY was very consciously aware of food - and her mother became vegetarian. Emily and food - unlocking the maths - unlocking the science. 

First Monica and then Emily and 2015 is also an eight year. 

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