
Thursday 1 January 2015

Monica Roses and Children

Ducks - Santa Monica and the Rose Bowl.

I do like duck and I remember how happy I was the first time that I cooked duck. Do you remember the Maltese visions received prior to Christmas. Do you remember the blue being held in the hands of the feminine. When I looked at that photograph of the cheerleaders it immediately reminded me of the vision of the feminine hands holding the blue - although what she was holding was a light color so that I could see what it was. It looked just like some of the new era painting.

Then there is the 2015 Rose parade in Pasadena California. and while I was looking at a different post - I was given the name 'Emily'. My thought immediately when to a daughter of a friend who met my son at the exhibitions that we used to attend. I wondered how she is. However - I do know other people with the name emily - the name of female children of family and friends. An historic name of ancestors on the mothers side.

I feel strongly that we have to unlock children and maths - I didn't like maths at school - and for sure it has a connection with food and the science of it. It is clear that Jesus taught children and his followers maths with food in the parables.

Most children like to eat and they know when they are having one boiled egg. Or two slices of toast with butter. Why on earth did parents after WW2 call thin slices of toast 'soldiers'. What a thing to put into a child's head. No wonder - I smashed the eggs on the lounge carpet and skated on it. My mother was being given a big message that I had her eggs under my feet. Big smiles - funny then in Rev 12 how the wondrous woman from heaven as the moon under her feet. That was a sure sign that the little one had arrived.

In the Maltese Visions they came in this order.

1. Maltese Cross and that can be found in first aid - St John's' Ambulance - the medical profession and pharmaceutical industry Although when I was reading about the recent Greek Ferry disaster I was given the smell of being in chemist. Prior to that I was given the smell of industrial paint e.g. chemicals.

Then between Christmas and New Year there was the MONICA message and MONICA cried due to what the men in her life did. Her son a lawyer and orator - a son filled with ambitions to succeed and we all know what that co-created. Augustine sacrificed his integrity and conscience and then paid the consequences for doing so. How could he then look that child in the face - knowing full well that by defending that man in the way that he did - the mother then died as a consequence of his actions.

In the Augustine movie - the clerics are all wearing black robes - clearly Rome is promoting Islam in the movie - due to the amount of burkas in it. They're also wearing the Maltese cross on their black robes. Then after the LORD gave the message about 'the Jewsers' I discovered that in Croatia - the Catholic Church has been celebrating the 55th anniversary of a 'mass murderer' that was involved in genocide during WW2.  Is it any wonder that I smashed the eggs as a baby and skated on them - food and the spiritual law.

I liked baked beans on toast and l like spaghetti on toast - and I used to go between the two them. Much to the 'frustration' of the mother that had birthed me. I simply would not sacrifice my integrity and heart of conscience for my mother - and I was only a toddler then. Also baked beans were good for protein and there were lots of them. Simple and easy to eat.

2. Next Vision was the feminine hands with the flower. The blue flower like the artichoke. The blue flower of the mystic for achieving the impossible. The blue flower for the new era. The color blue for healing. There is much healing to be done in Yugoslavia - in Croatia and Serbia etc. I once knew a young woman from Croatia - she was such a sweet soul. She also arrived in my life during the Rev 12 timeline. She loved divine love in manifestation.

Blue the color of my car - that my mother bestowed upon me with her inheritance. The car came from a place where Sophia and I danced together when I was a child. A place where my mother was romanced by David. She was bereaved of David - her first love for most of her life.

He reincarnated again - and came to help her daughter. David has since passed over - the love of lifetimes that lived in England for at least the last two incarnations. May he feel our love - as he gave his love to us and this planet. I can appreciate why - my mother never really got over David.

The Son of Joseph - her husband was fantastic - the way he embraced everything about her. You see - he loved her so very much - not even - her entrenched love for another man - could stand in the way of his love for her. At the end of the day - he was living - he was providing for her - she was in his bed - by his side. Exactly - where he wished for her to be.

Being loved by the RAB - showing her that love could truly be victorious over everything. He knew in his heart that the power of love was everything - and only in his love in compassionate action - could he get through to her. The power of his love and total devotion to her - was carried out in deeds - just like he carried her along the beach sometimes.

When you have lived with love as powerful as that - what can you do - would you sacrifice your integrity for a lover. Would it satisfy you fully in every way possible. If you have witnessed the banquet of love and the power of it - why would any woman settle for less. Unless she was willing to sacrifice what she knows to be true in her heart of integrity.

My mother was blessed to experience 'unfailing love' - so when people ask me what would you like for 2015. I ask that all the women in the world receive that 'unfailing love' - that all women and children come to know what it means to have perfected your love. To always be in existence for her and the children. To always love her endlessly - until you make those breakthroughs that are required for humanity to make.

Modern day they would've split up many times - in her youth she nearly left him. They were young - they were both growing up and had to mature emotionally and spiritually. However - with patience - with loving kindness - with charity - with mercy - they made it through the storms.

However - it should be said that a lot can go under the bridge - and if anyone puts the dam in - eventually that dam can break due to the sheer power of the water that sweeps it away. If anyone tries to stop the power of the love - many innocent people can be impacted by it.

You cannot restrain the power of love for it is eternal. The RAB knew that - and that is why he had to allow her love to pour out of her - in the best way that she could give it. So what did it show him about his wife that he had chosen. It showed him that even in death - she would love him beyond measure - and that he would always be in her heart.

That there is life after death when people allow it to be so. That there is a connection between souls that is hard for many people to comprehend - there is love that has a living Spirit and the Spirit can manifest.

Just has Jesus has proven it to those that have experienced it through the sheer power of his love - he manifests when the heavenly Father sends him to appear before you.

3. The third vision was of the man's hands - they were large hands filled with rose petals. The RAB had soft gentle hands with what he called piano fingers. The hands that I saw before Christmas were not the hands of the RAB - they were more like the hands of a man that has done a lot of physical work and they were different in shape - wider - larger - a different hand shape altogether to the RAB.

So where does all that lead us to with the unlocking of the maths. Maths is to do with science - and I don't remember maths and science being important in the house where I grew up. The RAB was more interested in reading and writing - the classics - literature  and the news.

For this reason he helped his children to read and write. Do you understand the impact that has on children. Do you understand the importance of quality time with children in the learning process.

Not school teachers - their dads.

The RAB would juggle with balls and fruit - and he taught us to count with different methods.

However he clearly did not wish for his children to go into the sciences - probably due to what he knew was happening to the sciences.

The RAB certainly knew in the 70's that there would not be jobs for everyone in this timeline. The unions knew years in advance - of what was coming upon humanity. They knew that the productivity increases year on - year on. To satisfy the stock markets and its investors - were not self-sustainable in the long term - in the manner in which they had been implemented.

If you knew that then for what reason would you encourage your child to go into the sciences and maths. You would only encourage that appreciation; if you comprehended the spiritual law that relates to it - and how it manifests on the food on your plate.

He did pay for good food - there was always food in the house. The most important priority for him and his wife. In fact that is very Jewish mum - as soon as you see her - 'have you eaten'. It was something that just poured out of my heart when anyone ever arrived at my home. 'Have you eaten'. 'Would you like something to eat'.

Food being an absolute priority in the family home - food being that which brings us back to remembrance and the memory. Food that we would then one day find in the bible and the prophecies.

Food that is essential to life and its existence - in giving us the right food - they were teaching us the right way - they were showing us the way - to survival of the species. That is what Jesus was doing as well - when he spoke about the crops that came from the fields. That is another reason that RAB took us out of the city - and into the countryside. It wasn't just about him or her - it was about us.

What love would give such pink rose petals - what love would give the rose healing oil. I met a man in Northern Israel who used to grow roses in Israel - he was born in Yemen. His American wife was a mid-wife and I've been sharing what midwives say.

The couple met in Israel - while working with children when they were young. Their story that the midwife  imparted - touched my heart.

House of Palms

Birthing children in water.

The niece that I was blessed to hold in my arms - was also birthed in water - blessed be.

May my niece and her younger sisters in Japan always receive rose petals - may the children of the world always know that we loved them enough to ensure that the rose prospered. That man grew roses for the girls - and that the rose petals are truly for them. May the children of the world know the power and sheer fragrance of the rose flower petals.

To touch a petal is to touch a soul.

I left 2014 weeping and I've since seen that many souls have passed over on New Years Eve. I woke up in 2015 with tears in my eyes. Clear pure water - I saw what happened at the Kings Arms in Plymouth - I saw what happened at the Belfry. The Belfry where I was blessed to stay when I was in the Birmingham area on business -  at the exhibition centre. Exhibitions the connection with Emily.

The tears of the saints - the tears of the empaths continue into 2015. May our tears purify the world.

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